Thursday, October 31, 2019
Abortion from a Pro-Life Perspective Research Paper
Abortion from a Pro-Life Perspective - Research Paper Example Many women suffered from serious and, often, long term, consequences, including internal damage, permanent sterility, and infections. There are a great number of women who did not survive long after having these procedures. To prevent these kinds of unsafe procedures abortions have been made more readily available to women. Unfortunately, this only led to a greater gap between those who fought on both sides of the issue. Those who support a womanââ¬â¢s right to choose abortion, often called ââ¬Å"Pro-Choice,â⬠as an option feel that it is a womanââ¬â¢s right and she cannot be forced to use her body to produce a new life unless she wishes to. The ââ¬Å"Pro-Lifeâ⬠representatives, those who do not support abortion of any kind, actively believe that every abortion is essentially a murder of an innocent life (Giubilini, and Minerva 1). There are, also, moderates, those who have concluded that the only way to find resolution on this heated issue is through compromise. Th ey do not believe abortions should be completely legal and available, but based on circumstance. For example, underage girls who have suffered sexual abuse or incest, a woman whose pregnancy put her health in danger and anyone whose pregnancy resulted from an act of rape. These victims should have the option. In the end, because there are so many unanswered questions and uncertainties regarding abortion it is best to err on the side of caution and make abortion procedures illegal until such knowledge is gained. There are two very strong reasons to support the ââ¬Å"Pro-Lifeâ⬠perspective. The first, involves the question, ââ¬Å"when does life begin?â⬠At what point in the development of a fetus does it become aware and when does it qualify for the rights belonging to all individuals? Is it the moment of conception or when the brain develops? We do not know. When does it have an innate right to its life and anything interfering with that becomes an act of violence or murd er? Many religious individuals press the topic of the fetusââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"soul.â⬠Unfortunately, neither religion nor science can answer either of these questions with an absolute certainty. So we do not know if the fetusââ¬â¢s aborted possessed self-awareness, ethically have a right to its life, or is its existence until birth technically not its own being. Not knowing these answers, whether you are a religious person or simply a logical one, you cannot be certain then how can anyone flippantly determine that it is nothing more than a gathering of ââ¬Å"cellular material.â⬠Until these answers are found abortion must remain an issue of debate and not put into practice. The second main issue that supports a ââ¬Å"Pro-Lifeâ⬠perspective is the worry that having legal abortions would lead to more and more abortion procedures being performed. If may make the sexually active public less dependent on contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancy and allowing abortions t o act as their birth control. The idea being that some woman would be having multiple abortions on a regular basis. Between legalization and the unanswered questions involving the rights of fetuses it makes for an unsettling and ethically questionable future. Legalization would only increases the numbers of unwanted pregnancies not reduce them (University California Santa Barbara). Creating new life should not be perceived the same way that an infectious disease is perceived. Discovery that you are pregnant should not be sending you to the clinic to have it treated like an illness. This sets the precedent that there are degrees to the value of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
PAYMENT AND TRADE FINANCE - A Case Study- corporate finance involving Essay
PAYMENT AND TRADE FINANCE - A Case Study- corporate finance involving law - Essay Example Saida tenders to Big Bank plc a pre-printed ââ¬Å"shipped on-boardâ⬠bill of lading with an issuance date of 31 March. There is also a notation referring to ââ¬Å"10,002 tonnes Class A cement fully loaded on 1 April with 5% on deckâ⬠. Saida has also tendered a word-processed cover note referring to 10,000 tonnes Grade A cement marked ââ¬Å"as originalâ⬠but not signed, and an invoice for ââ¬Å"approximately 10,000 tonnes high grade cementâ⬠. It is generally known in the industry that Class A means cement with a purity percentage of at least 98%â⬠. A surveyorââ¬â¢s certificate is also tendered which states that the cement is slightly discoloured. Big Bank has reservations about the documents and pays Saida ââ¬Å"under reserveâ⬠and ââ¬Å"without prejudiceâ⬠. Armita, Small Bankââ¬â¢s manager, refuses to reimburse Big Bank on the basis of non-compliance. She also suspects that the date entered by the shipmaster on the bill of lading is fals e. Armita also demands to see a certificate of origin because it is her bankââ¬â¢s policy not to deal with goods emanating from certain countries. Saida has also contracted to sell a consignment of sulphur to Turhan. The contract requires Saida to secure for Turhanââ¬â¢s benefit, a performance guarantee to the amount of ?30,000 issued by Nidhi Bank, a bank in London, England, guaranteeing Saidaââ¬â¢s performance. That guarantee is expressed in the following terms: ââ¬Å"We undertake to pay you on your assertion of Saidaââ¬â¢s default or breach of Contract No 34/06 in writing being received at this office and bearing our reference Guarantee No 666/05A ... â⬠Saida refuses to ship when she discovers Turhan has failed to open a letter of credit in her favour. Turhanââ¬â¢s bank has declined to issue the letter of credit because of liquidity problems. Turhan makes a demand under the guarantee on Nidhi Bank by making a statement asserting Saidaââ¬â¢s failure to shi p but the demand refers to "Guarantee No 666/05". Discuss the rights and liabilities of the parties under English law. Ans# Trade credit is often used as a method of payment for both the domestic as well as the international trade business. However, it is mostly used in international trade considering the overall risks involved in the international trade transactions as well as the role of banks in facilitating the payments between the parties. As such the credit used for the purchase and financing of the inventories and current assets is called short term credit whereas the credit used for the financing of the capital expenditure is considered as the long term finance and both types of finances can be availed through international trade transactions.1 It is important to understand however, that the payments in the international trade finance are often governed through different laws. Most importantly laws and regulations set by the International Chamber of Commerce or ICC are consi dered as binding on the parties involved in the international trade transactions. The major set of rules governing the international trade transactions include UCP 600 which actually provide a detailed overview of the rights and obligations of each party to the transaction in the international trade besides governing the swift completion of such transactions. 2 Under UCP 600, not only the rights and obligations of the parties are outlined but the overall role and responsibilities of the banks and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Main Advantages In Harmonization Of International Accounting Accounting Essay
Main Advantages In Harmonization Of International Accounting Accounting Essay Introduction The main purpose of this report is to point out the main advantages that could be benefited from International accounting and the obstacles to the harmonization of this system. The history of accounting began 600 years ago when first accounting records were found; the system of bookkeeping pair was gradually introduced in the early 14th century in some trading centres in Italy. After that due to increasing trade around the world people from all regions started to do book keeping and in different timeà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s different committees, joint stocks and mechanisms were found to do international level trading. As the world developed more there was a need of a system for dealing with international finances therefore in June 1973 International Accounting Standards Board Committee (IASC) was established as a result of the agreement made between accounting bodies in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, England, Ireland and the United States, and these countr ies were IASC Board at that time. IASC operated from 1973 to 2001 until it evolved into IASB (International Accounting standards board). IASB possess advantages that can benefit the whole world but there are obstacles to the harmonization of international accounting, both advantages and obstacles are listed with details in the report. The report then moves on to the three issues that may arise in relation to the provision of relevant and reliable information in financial statements such as both of them are related to each other that the emphasis on one will hurt the other. And in the last part of the report the qualitative characteristics of financial statements such as timely, relevant, reliable and comparable as defined in the Framework are explained and discussed. Main advantages in harmonization of international accounting There are many advantages linked with the harmonization of international accounting. Main of them are listed and explained below: The economy of the world can be benefited by more educated decisions which could result in the improvement of global economic growth. The accounting information can be explained by the experts, this would reduce the risk of investment. By adapting international accounting the companies and industries could increase the ability to compare with similar companies and industries and make investment decision with more intelligence. Harmonization of international accounting would facilitate entrepreneurs and financial experts from all over the world to invest internationally. It would reduce the cost of reconciling account information for multi-national companies. Stock exchanges from all over the world could benefit from the standardization of international accounting, as more companies begin to adapt the international standard, they will become more eligible for listing. Obstacles in harmonization of international accounting: Despite of useful advantages of international accounting, there are barriers which prevent harmonization of international accounting from exceeding; some of them are as following: Different countries have different accounting methods that are regulated in different degrees by their government. Another issue is that many capital markets have adjusted into the international business without International accounting and they believe that present system is working well enough and International accounting would only complicate things. Naturalism is another threat to harmonization of international accounts as countries are wary of ceding control of their accounting regulation to outsiders. Poor countries believe that harmonization of international accounting is an implantation of standards by powerful countries. IASB (International Accounting Standards Board): IASC (International accounting standards board Committee) was established in 1973 which evolved in IASB (International accounting standards board) in 2001. IASB is an independent regulatory body based in U.K. It has 15 members from 9 countries each with various functional backgrounds. The board aim is to develop a single-set of high quality, understandable, relevant, comparable and enforceable global accounting standards. IASB presented four frameworks; first and second in 1989, third in 2001 and the fourth and present one in 2010. The framework of IASB describes the basic concepts of preparing and presenting the financial statements for external users. The qualitative characteristics of financial statements according to IASB frame work are following: Understandable Relevant Reliable Comparable Issues in provision of relevant and reliable information Relevance and reliability both are essential for the better quality of the financial information but both are related to each other in such a way that effect on one will hurt the other and vice versa, for example accounting information is relevant when it is provided in time but in initial stages it is not very reliable but as it becomes reliable with time it does not remain relevant. Second issue with the provision of two qualities is that the two qualities are not independent of each other, that is, perceived relevance by users is dependent on the perceived level of reliability. The third problem is that the level of reliability cannot remain or increase with the introduction of fair value measurement; as such, the discussion has assumed the presence of a relevance reliability trade-off i.e. the move to relevance is decrease to reliability.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Different Strands of Feminism: Comparing Equal Rights Feminism, and Socialist Feminism :: Womens Studies
Different Strands of Feminism: Comparing Equal Rights Feminism, and Socialist Feminism With the developments going on in England during the 19th century, a new social class started to emerge, a middle class whose wealth came from land, trade, the professions, or industry. It was from this class that a great deal of the women working for the women's right movement emerged from in the 19th century, since they were the ones that experienced the deprivation of rights which men from this class had won. In 1897 in England the women's movement reunited in the National Union of Women's Suffrage Society, and from here on more women, from both the middle-class, and the working class began allying with the new Labor Party to advocate for the right os workers in general. However, the new reunited women's movement split again in 1906 when feminist lost patient after a deputation of 300 women meet with the prime minister to request the vote, and got instead an advice to be patient. From here on the English women's movement concentrated in winning the vote, but split into two r ival parties, the National Union of Women's Suffrage Society(NUWSS) led by Millicent Garrett Fawcett, and the Women's Social and Political Union(WSPU), led by Emmiline Goulden Pankhurst. Faweet took the prime minister, and peacefully, and patiently continued working to get the vote. She believed that the parliamentary democracy would eventually acknowledge women's right to the vote. So she dedicated to expand membership of NUWSS, to promote publically the demand for the vote, through speaking tours, and distribution of their journal, The Common Cause, and to lobby Liberal Politician to vote in favor of women's suffrage. They repudiated the use of violent tactics. Pankhurst on the other hand completely discarded the advice of the prime minster. She believed that of the vote was to be gain, then action had to be taken. Pankusrt actively spoke to gain the vote whenever a Liberal politician spoke. She participated in local and national suffrage demonstrations, at personal risk. WSPU follows this tactics, they disrupted meeting, organized demonstrations such as open-air rallies. In spite of all this government still did not act, so the WSPU turned to more violent ta ctic. They broke windows, poured liquid down mail boxes, cut telegraph wire, and curve "Votes for Women" in golf courses. They often encounter arrest, to which they responded with hunger strikes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Da Vinci Code Chapter 18-20
CHAPTER 18 Fache sprinted down the Grand Gallery as Collet's radio blared over the distant sound of the alarm. ââ¬Å"He jumped!â⬠Collet was yelling. ââ¬Å"I'm showing the signal out on Place du Carrousel! Outside the bathroom window! And it's not moving at all! Jesus, I think Langdon has just committed suicide!â⬠Fache heard the words, but they made no sense. He kept running. The hallway seemed never-ending. As he sprinted past Sauniere's body, he set his sights on the partitions at the far end of the Denon Wing. The alarm was getting louder now. ââ¬Å"Wait!â⬠Collet's voice blared again over the radio. ââ¬Å"He's moving! My God, he's alive. Langdon's moving!â⬠Fache kept running, cursing the length of the hallway with every step. ââ¬Å"Langdon's moving faster!â⬠Collet was still yelling on the radio. ââ¬Å"He's running down Carrousel. Waitâ⬠¦ he's picking up speed. He's moving too fast!â⬠Arriving at the partitions, Fache snaked his way through them, saw the rest room door, and ran for it. The walkie-talkie was barely audible now over the alarm. ââ¬Å"He must be in a car! I think he's in a car! I can't ââ¬â ââ¬Å" Collet's words were swallowed by the alarm as Fache finally burst into the men's room with his gun drawn. Wincing against the piercing shrill, he scanned the area. The stalls were empty. The bathroom deserted. Fache's eyes moved immediately to the shattered window at the far end of the room. He ran to the opening and looked over the edge. Langdon was nowhere to be seen. Fache could not imagine anyone risking a stunt like this. Certainly if he had dropped that far, he would be badly injured. The alarm cut off finally, and Collet's voice became audible again over the walkie-talkie. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ moving southâ⬠¦ fasterâ⬠¦ crossing the Seine on Pont du Carrousel!â⬠Fache turned to his left. The only vehicle on Pont du Carrousel was an enormous twin-bed Trailor delivery truck moving southward away from the Louvre. The truck's open-air bed was covered with a vinyl tarp, roughly resembling a giant hammock. Fache felt a shiver of apprehension. That truck, only moments ago, had probably been stopped at a red light directly beneath the rest room window. An insane risk, Fache told himself. Langdon had no way of knowing what the truck was carrying beneath that tarp. What if the truck were carrying steel? Or cement? Or even garbage? A forty-foot leap? It was madness. ââ¬Å"The dot is turning!â⬠Collet called. ââ¬Å"He's turning right on Pont des Saints-Peres!â⬠Sure enough, the Trailor truck that had crossed the bridge was slowing down and making a right turn onto Pont des Saints-Peres. So be it, Fache thought. Amazed, he watched the truck disappear around the corner. Collet was already radioing the agents outside, pulling them off the Louvre perimeter and sending them to their patrol cars in pursuit, all the while broadcasting the truck's changing location like some kind of bizarre play-by-play. It's over, Fache knew. His men would have the truck surrounded within minutes. Langdon was not going anywhere. Stowing his weapon, Fache exited the rest room and radioed Collet. ââ¬Å"Bring my car around. I want to be there when we make the arrest.â⬠As Fache jogged back down the length of the Grand Gallery, he wondered if Langdon had even survived the fall. Not that it mattered. Langdon ran. Guilty as charged. Only fifteen yards from the rest room, Langdon and Sophie stood in the darkness of the Grand Gallery, their backs pressed to one of the large partitions that hid the bathrooms from the gallery. They had barely managed to hide themselves before Fache had darted past them, gun drawn, and disappeared into the bathroom. The last sixty seconds had been a blur. Langdon had been standing inside the men's room refusing to run from a crime he didn't commit, when Sophie began eyeing the plate-glass window and examining the alarm mesh running through it. Then she peered downward into the street, as if measuring the drop. ââ¬Å"With a little aim, you can get out of here,â⬠she said. Aim? Uneasy, he peered out the rest room window. Up the street, an enormous twin-bed eighteen-wheeler was headed for the stoplight beneath the window. Stretched across the truck's massive cargo bay was a blue vinyl tarp, loosely covering the truck's load. Langdon hoped Sophie was not thinking what she seemed to be thinking. ââ¬Å"Sophie, there's no way I'm jump ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Take out the tracking dot.â⬠Bewildered, Langdon fumbled in his pocket until he found the tiny metallic disk. Sophie took it from him and strode immediately to the sink. She grabbed a thick bar of soap, placed the tracking dot on top of it, and used her thumb to push the disk down hard into the bar. As the disk sank into the soft surface, she pinched the hole closed, firmly embedding the device in the bar. Handing the bar to Langdon, Sophie retrieved a heavy, cylindrical trash can from under the sinks. Before Langdon could protest, Sophie ran at the window, holding the can before her like a battering ram. Driving the bottom of the trash can into the center of the window, she shattered the glass. Alarms erupted overhead at earsplitting decibel levels. ââ¬Å"Give me the soap!â⬠Sophie yelled, barely audible over the alarm. Langdon thrust the bar into her hand. Palming the soap, she peered out the shattered window at the eighteen-wheeler idling below. The target was plenty big ââ¬â an expansive, stationary tarp ââ¬â and it was less than ten feet from the side of the building. As the traffic lights prepared to change, Sophie took a deep breath and lobbed the bar of soap out into the night. The soap plummeted downward toward the truck, landing on the edge of the tarp, and sliding downward into the cargo bay just as the traffic light turned green. ââ¬Å"Congratulations,â⬠Sophie said, dragging him toward the door. ââ¬Å"You just escaped from the Louvre.â⬠Fleeing the men's room, they moved into the shadows just as Fache rushed past. Now, with the fire alarm silenced, Langdon could hear the sounds of DCPJ sirens tearing away from the Louvre. A police exodus.Fache had hurried off as well, leaving the Grand Gallery deserted. ââ¬Å"There's an emergency stairwell about fifty meters back into the Grand Gallery,â⬠Sophie said. ââ¬Å"Now that the guards are leaving the perimeter, we can get out of here.â⬠Langdon decided not to say another word all evening. Sophie Neveu was clearly a hell of a lot smarter than he was. CHAPTER 19 The Church of Saint-Sulpice, it is said, has the most eccentric history of any building in Paris. Built over the ruins of an ancient temple to the Egyptian goddess Isis, the church possesses an architectural footprint matching that of Notre Dame to within inches. The sanctuary has played host to the baptisms of the Marquis de Sade and Baudelaire, as well as the marriage of Victor Hugo. The attached seminary has a well-documented history of unorthodoxy and was once the clandestine meeting hall for numerous secret societies. Tonight, the cavernous nave of Saint-Sulpice was as silent as a tomb, the only hint of life the faint smell of incense from mass earlier that evening. Silas sensed an uneasiness in Sister Sandrine's demeanor as she led him into the sanctuary. He was not surprised by this. Silas was accustomed to people being uncomfortable with his appearance. ââ¬Å"You're an American,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"French by birth,â⬠Silas responded. ââ¬Å"I had my calling in Spain, and I now study in the United States.â⬠Sister Sandrine nodded. She was a small woman with quiet eyes. ââ¬Å"And you have never seen Saint- Sulpice?â⬠ââ¬Å"I realize this is almost a sin in itself.â⬠ââ¬Å"She is more beautiful by day.â⬠ââ¬Å"I am certain. Nonetheless, I am grateful that you would provide me this opportunity tonight.â⬠ââ¬Å"The abbe requested it. You obviously have powerful friends.â⬠You have no idea, Silas thought. As he followed Sister Sandrine down the main aisle, Silas was surprised by the austerity of the sanctuary. Unlike Notre Dame with its colorful frescoes, gilded altar-work, and warm wood, Saint- Sulpice was stark and cold, conveying an almost barren quality reminiscent of the ascetic cathedrals of Spain. The lack of decor made the interior look even more expansive, and as Silasgazed up into the soaring ribbed vault of the ceiling, he imagined he was standing beneath the hull of an enormous overturned ship. A fitting image, he thought. The brotherhood's ship was about to be capsized forever. Feeling eager to get to work, Silas wished Sister Sandrine would leave him. She was a small woman whom Silas could incapacitate easily, but he had vowed not to use force unless absolutely necessary. She is a woman of the cloth, and it is not her fault the brotherhood chose her church as a hiding place for their keystone.She should not be punished for the sins of others. ââ¬Å"I am embarrassed, Sister, that you were awoken on my behalf.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not at all. You are in Paris a short time. You should not miss Saint-Sulpice. Are your interests in the church more architectural or historical?â⬠ââ¬Å"Actually, Sister, my interests are spiritual.â⬠She gave a pleasant laugh. ââ¬Å"That goes without saying. I simply wondered where to begin your tour.â⬠Silas felt his eyes focus on the altar. ââ¬Å"A tour is unnecessary. You have been more than kind. I can show myself around.â⬠ââ¬Å"It is no trouble,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"After all, I am awake.â⬠Silas stopped walking. They had reached the front pew now, and the altar was only fifteen yards away. He turned his massive body fully toward the small woman, and he could sense her recoil as she gazed up into his red eyes. ââ¬Å"If it does not seem too rude, Sister, I am not accustomed to simply walking into a house of God and taking a tour. Would you mind if I took some time alone to pray before I look around?â⬠Sister Sandrine hesitated. ââ¬Å"Oh, of course. I shall wait in the rear of the church for you.â⬠Silas put a soft but heavy hand on her shoulder and peered down. ââ¬Å"Sister, I feel guilty already for having awoken you. To ask you to stay awake is too much. Please, you should return to bed. I can enjoy your sanctuary and then let myself out.â⬠She looked uneasy. ââ¬Å"Are you sure you won't feel abandoned?â⬠ââ¬Å"Not at all. Prayer is a solitary joy.â⬠ââ¬Å"As you wish.â⬠Silas took his hand from her shoulder. ââ¬Å"Sleep well, Sister. May the peace of the Lord be with you.â⬠ââ¬Å"And also with you.â⬠Sister Sandrine headed for the stairs. ââ¬Å"Please be sure the door closes tightly on your way out.â⬠ââ¬Å"I will be sure of it.â⬠Silas watched her climb out of sight. Then he turned and knelt in the front pew, feeling the cilice cut into his leg. Dear God, I offer up to you this work I do todayâ⬠¦ . Crouching in the shadows of the choir balcony high above the altar, Sister Sandrine peered silently through the balustrade at the cloaked monk kneeling alone. The sudden dread in her soul made it hard to stay still. For a fleeting instant, she wondered if this mysterious visitor could be the enemy they had warned her about, and if tonight she would have to carry out the orders she had been holding all these years. She decided to stay there in the darkness and watch his every move. CHAPTER 20 Emerging from the shadows, Langdon and Sophie moved stealthily up the deserted Grand Gallery corridor toward the emergency exit stairwell. As he moved, Langdon felt like he was trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle in the dark. The newest aspect of this mystery was a deeply troubling one: The captain of the Judicial Police is trying to frame me for murder ââ¬Å"Do you think,â⬠he whispered,â⬠that maybe Fache wrote that message on the floor?â⬠Sophie didn't even turn. ââ¬Å"Impossible.â⬠Langdon wasn't so sure. ââ¬Å"He seems pretty intent on making me look guilty. Maybe he thought writing my name on the floor would help his case?â⬠ââ¬Å"The Fibonacci sequence? The P. S. ? All the Da Vinci and goddess symbolism? That had to be my grandfather.â⬠Langdon knew she was right. The symbolism of the clues meshed too perfectly ââ¬â the pentacle, TheVitruvian Man, Da Vinci, the goddess, and even the Fibonacci sequence. A coherent symbolic set, as iconographers would call it. All inextricably tied. ââ¬Å"And his phone call to me this afternoon,â⬠Sophie added. ââ¬Å"He said he had to tell me something. I'm certain his message at the Louvre was his final effort to tell me something important, something he thought you could help me understand.â⬠Langdon frowned. O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! He wished he could comprehend the message, both for Sophie's well-being and for his own. Things had definitely gotten worse since he first laid eyes on the cryptic words. His fake leap out the bathroom window was not going to help Langdon's popularity with Fache one bit. Somehow he doubted the captain of the French police would see the humor in chasing down and arresting a bar of soap. ââ¬Å"The doorway isn't much farther,â⬠Sophie said.â⬠Do you think there's a possibility that the numbers in your grandfather's message hold the key to understanding the other lines?â⬠Langdon had once worked on a series of Baconian manuscripts that contained epigraphical ciphers in which certain lines of code were clues as to how to decipher the other lines. ââ¬Å"I've been thinking about the numbers all night. Sums, quotients, products. I don't see anything. Mathematically, they're arranged at random. Cryptographic gibberish.â⬠ââ¬Å"And yet they're all part of the Fibonacci sequence. That can't be coincidence.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's not. Using Fibonacci numbers was my grandfather's way of waving another flag at me ââ¬â like writing the message in English, or arranging himself like my favorite piece of art, or drawing a pentacle on himself. All of it was to catch my attention.â⬠ââ¬Å"The pentacle has meaning to you?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes. I didn't get a chance to tell you, but the pentacle was a special symbol between my grandfather and me when I was growing up. We used to play Tarot cards for fun, and my indicator card always turned out to be from the suit of pentacles. I'm sure he stacked the deck, but pentacles got to be our little joke.â⬠Langdon felt a chill. They played Tarot? The medieval Italian card game was so replete with hidden heretical symbolism that Langdon had dedicated an entire chapter in his new manuscript to the Tarot. The game's twenty-two cards bore names like The Female Pope, The Empress, and The Star.Originally, Tarot had been devised as a secret means to pass along ideologies banned by the Church. Now, Tarot's mystical qualities were passed on by modern fortune-tellers. The Tarot indicator suit for feminine divinity is pentacles, Langdon thought, realizing that if Sauniere had been stacking his granddaughter's deck for fun, pentacles was an apropos inside joke. They arrived at the emergency stairwell, and Sophie carefully pulled open the door. No alarm sounded. Only the doors to the outside were wired. Sophie led Langdon down a tight set of switchback stairs toward the ground level, picking up speed as they went. ââ¬Å"Your grandfather,â⬠Langdon said, hurrying behind her,â⬠when he told you about the pentacle, did he mention goddess worship or any resentment of the Catholic Church?â⬠Sophie shook her head. ââ¬Å"I was more interested in the mathematics of it ââ¬â the Divine Proportion, PHI, Fibonacci sequences, that sort of thing.â⬠Langdon was surprised. ââ¬Å"Your grandfather taught you about the number PHI?â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course. The Divine Proportion.â⬠Her expression turned sheepish. ââ¬Å"In fact, he used to joke that I was half divineâ⬠¦ you know, because of the letters in my name.â⬠Langdon considered it a moment and then groaned. s-o-PHI-e. Still descending, Langdon refocused on PHI.He was starting to realize that Sauniere's clues were even more consistent than he had first imagined. Da Vinciâ⬠¦ Fibonacci numbersâ⬠¦ the pentacle. Incredibly, all of these things were connected by a single concept so fundamental to art history that Langdon often spent several class periods on the topic. PHI. He felt himself suddenly reeling back to Harvard, standing in front of hisâ⬠Symbolism in Artâ⬠class, writing his favorite number on the chalkboard. 1. 618 Langdon turned to face his sea of eager students. ââ¬Å"Who can tell me what this number is?â⬠A long-legged math major in back raised his hand. ââ¬Å"That's the number PHI.â⬠He pronounced it fee. ââ¬Å"Nice job, Stettner,â⬠Langdon said. ââ¬Å"Everyone, meet PHI.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not to be confused with PI,â⬠Stettner added, grinning. ââ¬Å"As we mathematicians like to say: PHI is one H of a lot cooler than PI!â⬠Langdon laughed, but nobody else seemed to get the joke. Stettner slumped.â⬠This number PHI,â⬠Langdon continued,â⬠one-point-six-one-eight, is a very important number in art. Who can tell me why?â⬠Stettner tried to redeem himself. ââ¬Å"Because it's so pretty?â⬠Everyone laughed.â⬠Actually,â⬠Langdon said,â⬠Stettner's right again. PHI is generally considered the most beautiful number in the universe.â⬠The laughter abruptly stopped, and Stettner gloated. As Langdon loaded his slide projector, he explained that the number PHI was derived from the Fibonacci sequence ââ¬â a progression famous not only because the sum of adjacent terms equaled the next term, but because the quotients of adjacent terms possessed the astonishing property of approaching the number 1. 618 ââ¬â PHI! Despite PHI's seemingly mystical mathematical origins, Langdon explained, the truly mind-boggling aspect of PHI was its role as a fundamental building block in nature. Plants, animals, and even human beings all possessed dimensional properties that adhered with eerie exactitude to the ratio of PHI to 1. ââ¬Å"PHI's ubiquity in nature,â⬠Langdon said, killing the lights,â⬠clearly exceeds coincidence, and so the ancients assumed the number PHI must have been preordained by the Creator of the universe. Early scientists heralded one-point-six-one-eight as the Divine Proportion.â⬠ââ¬Å"Hold on,â⬠said a young woman in the front row. ââ¬Å"I'm a bio major and I've never seen this Divine Proportion in nature.â⬠ââ¬Å"No?â⬠Langdon grinned. ââ¬Å"Ever study the relationship between females and males in a honeybee community?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sure. The female bees always outnumber the male bees.â⬠ââ¬Å"Correct. And did you know that if you divide the number of female bees by the number of male bees in any beehive in the world, you always get the same number?â⬠ââ¬Å"You do?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yup. PHI.â⬠The girl gaped. ââ¬Å"NO WAY!â⬠ââ¬Å"Way!â⬠Langdon fired back, smiling as he projected a slide of a spiral seashell. ââ¬Å"Recognize this?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's a nautilus,â⬠the bio major said. ââ¬Å"A cephalopod mollusk that pumps gas into its chambered shell to adjust its buoyancy.â⬠ââ¬Å"Correct. And can you guess what the ratio is of each spiral's diameter to the next?â⬠The girl looked uncertain as she eyed the concentric arcs of the nautilus spiral. Langdon nodded. ââ¬Å"PHI. The Divine Proportion. One-point-six-one-eight to one.â⬠The girl looked amazed. Langdon advanced to the next slide ââ¬â a close-up of a sunflower's seed head. ââ¬Å"Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals. Can you guess the ratio of each rotation's diameter to the next?â⬠ââ¬Å"PHI?â⬠everyone said.â⬠Bingo.â⬠Langdon began racing through slides now ââ¬â spiraled pinecone petals, leaf arrangement on plant stalks, insect segmentation ââ¬â all displaying astonishing obedience to the Divine Proportion. ââ¬Å"This is amazing!â⬠someone cried out. ââ¬Å"Yeah,â⬠someone else said,â⬠but what does it have to do with art?â⬠ââ¬Å"Aha!â⬠Langdon said. ââ¬Å"Glad you asked.â⬠He pulled up another slide ââ¬â a pale yellow parchment displaying Leonardo Da Vinci's famous male nude ââ¬â The Vitruvian Man ââ¬â named for Marcus Vitruvius, the brilliant Roman architect who praised the Divine Proportion in his text De Architectura. ââ¬Å"Nobody understood better than Da Vinci the divine structure of the human body. Da Vinci actually exhumed corpses to measure the exact proportions of human bone structure. He was the first to show that the human body is literally made of building blocks whose proportional ratios always equal PHI.â⬠Everyone in class gave him a dubious look. ââ¬Å"Don't believe me?â⬠Langdon challenged. ââ¬Å"Next time you're in the shower, take a tape measure.â⬠A couple of football players snickered. ââ¬Å"Not just you insecure jocks,â⬠Langdon prompted. ââ¬Å"All of you. Guys and girls. Try it. Measure the distance from the tip of your head to the floor. Then divide that by the distance from your bellybutton to the floor. Guess what number you get.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not PHI!â⬠one of the jocks blurted out in disbelief. ââ¬Å"Yes, PHI,â⬠Langdon replied. ââ¬Å"One-point-six-one-eight. Want another example? Measure the distance from your shoulder to your fingertips, and then divide it by the distance from your elbow to your fingertips. PHI again. Another? Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. PHI again. Finger joints. Toes. Spinal divisions. PHI. PHI. PHI. My friends, each of you is a walking tribute to the Divine Proportion.â⬠Even in the darkness, Langdon could see they were all astounded. He felt a familiar warmth inside. This is why he taught. ââ¬Å"My friends, as you can see, the chaos of the world has an underlying order. When the ancients discovered PHI, they were certain they had stumbled across God's building block for the world, and they worshipped Nature because of that. And one can understand why. God's hand is evident in Nature, and even to this day there exist pagan, Mother Earth-revering religions. Many of us celebrate nature the way the pagans did, and don't even know it. May Day is a perfect example, the celebration of springâ⬠¦ the earth coming back to life to produce her bounty. The mysterious magic inherent in the Divine Proportion was written at the beginning of time. Man is simply playing by Nature's rules, and because art is man's attempt to imitate the beauty of the Creator's hand, you can imagine we might be seeing a lot of instances of the Divine Proportion in art this semeste r.â⬠Over the next half hour, Langdon showed them slides of artwork by Michelangelo, Albrecht Durer, Da Vinci, and many others, demonstrating each artist's intentional and rigorous adherence to the Divine Proportion in the layout of his compositions. Langdon unveiled PHI in the architectural dimensions of the Greek Parthenon, the pyramids of Egypt, and even the United Nations Building in New York. PHI appeared in the organizational structures of Mozart's sonatas, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, as well as the works of Bartok, Debussy, and Schubert. The number PHI, Langdon told them, was even used by Stradivarius to calculate the exact placement of the f-holes in the construction of his famous violins. ââ¬Å"In closing,â⬠Langdon said, walking to the chalkboard,â⬠we return to symbolsâ⬠He drew five intersecting lines that formed a five-pointed star. ââ¬Å"This symbol is one of the most powerful images you will see this term. Formally known as a pentagram ââ¬â or pentacle, as the ancients called it ââ¬â this symbol is considered both divine and magical by many cultures. Can anyone tell me why that might be?â⬠Stettner, the math major, raised his hand. ââ¬Å"Because if you draw a pentagram, the lines automatically divide themselves into segments according to the Divine Proportion.â⬠Langdon gave the kid a proud nod. ââ¬Å"Nice job. Yes, the ratios of line segments in a pentacle allequal PHI, making this symbol the ultimate expression of the Divine Proportion. For this reason, the five-pointed star has always been the symbol for beauty and perfection associated with the goddess and the sacred feminine.â⬠The girls in class beamed. ââ¬Å"One note, folks. We've only touched on Da Vinci today, but we'll be seeing a lot more of him this semester. Leonardo was a well-documented devotee of the ancient ways of the goddess. Tomorrow, I'll show you his fresco The Last Supper, which is one of the most astonishing tributes to the sacred feminine you will ever see.â⬠ââ¬Å"You're kidding, right?â⬠somebody said. ââ¬Å"I thought The Last Supper was about Jesus!â⬠Langdon winked. ââ¬Å"There are symbols hidden in places you would never imagine.â⬠ââ¬Å"Come on,â⬠Sophie whispered. ââ¬Å"What's wrong? We're almost there. Hurry!â⬠Langdon glanced up, feeling himself return from faraway thoughts. He realized he was standing at a dead stop on the stairs, paralyzed by sudden revelation. O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! Sophie was looking back at him. It can't be that simple, Langdon thought. But he knew of course that it was. There in the bowels of the Louvreâ⬠¦ with images of PHI and Da Vinci swirling through his mind, Robert Langdon suddenly and unexpectedly deciphered Sauniere's code. ââ¬Å"O, Draconian devil!â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Oh, lame saint! It's the simplest kind of code!â⬠Sophie was stopped on the stairs below him, staring up in confusion. A code? She had been pondering the words all night and had not seen a code. Especially a simple one. ââ¬Å"You said it yourself.â⬠Langdon's voice reverberated with excitement. ââ¬Å"Fibonacci numbers only have meaning in their proper order. Otherwise they're mathematical gibberish.â⬠Sophie had no idea what he was talking about. The Fibonacci numbers? She was certain they had been intended as nothing more than a means to get the Cryptography Department involved tonight. They have another purpose? She plunged her hand into her pocket and pulled out the printout, studying her grandfather's message again. 13-3-2-21-1-1-8-5 O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! What about the numbers? ââ¬Å"The scrambled Fibonacci sequence is a clue,â⬠Langdon said, taking the printout. ââ¬Å"The numbers area hint as to how to decipher the rest of the message. He wrote the sequence out of order to tell us to apply the same concept to the text. O, Draconian devil? Oh, lame saint? Those lines mean nothing. They are simply letters written out of order.â⬠Sophie needed only an instant to process Langdon's implication, and it seemed laughably simple. ââ¬Å"You think this message isâ⬠¦ une anagramme?â⬠She stared at him. ââ¬Å"Like a word jumble from a newspaper?â⬠Langdon could see the skepticism on Sophie's face and certainly understood. Few people realized that anagrams, despite being a trite modern amusement, had a rich history of sacred symbolism. The mystical teachings of the Kabbala drew heavily on anagrams ââ¬â rearranging the letters of Hebrew words to derive new meanings. French kings throughout the Renaissance were so convinced that anagrams held magic power that they appointed royal anagrammatists to help them make better decisions by analyzing words in important documents. The Romans actually referred to the study of anagrams as ars magna ââ¬â ââ¬Å"the great art.â⬠Langdon looked up at Sophie, locking eyes with her now. ââ¬Å"Your grandfather's meaning was right in front of us all along, and he left us more than enough clues to see it.â⬠Without another word, Langdon pulled a pen from his jacket pocket and rearranged the letters in each line. O, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint! was a perfect anagram ofâ⬠¦ Leonardo Da Vinci! The Mona Lisa!
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Blood Disorders
Lily, a 4-year-old Caucasian female, has she been complaining of being tired all the time. She is pale and is a picky eater. Her mother is a single mom with a small budget to feed a large family. Lily eats only pasta, breads, and hot dogs, and she drinks only artificial fruit punch. Lily has iron deficiency anemia. Infants can be infected from the time of birth from certain forms of anemia. Certain forms of anemia are hereditary.When girls are not getting the proper amount of iron in their diet then they may become iron deficiency. There are many different symptoms of iron deficiency anemia but the most common are swelling of the tongue, drying of the lips, and eating and craving ice. Lilyââ¬â¢s mother cannot afford the proper food filled with iron so the best thing that she can buy for Lily is foods and drinks that have vitamin C in it, such as orange juice. * * Davon is a 5-year-old African American male who has just moved to Chicago, and he is visiting his new pediatrician for a kindergarten physical.His mother tells the nurse that she carries the sickle cell trait and wants Davon screened for it. Davon may have the sickle cell trait. I would say that it would be hard to determine if Devon has a blood disorder because he has no symptoms. I do think that Devon is at risk of having sickle cell. Sickle cell is a disease that is inherited. African-Americans are at greater risk for the disease than any other ethnic group. Sickle cell is caused by genetic abnormality. It is diagnosed by a blood test. The blood test measures the amount of abnormal sickle hemoglobin.Sickle cell can be treated by medications such as pain medications, anti-inflammatory medications, and antibiotics for infection. * * Spencer has noted over the past several weeks that he is having more bruises, or ecchymosed, all over his body. After coughing this morning, he noticed tiny red marks all around his eyes. Spencer has thrombocytopenia. I would say that Spencer is at risk for thrombocytop enia. Some symptoms for thrombocytopenia are easy or excessive bussing, prolonged bleeding from cuts, and bleeding from the gums or nose.You can diagnose thrombocytopenia through a physical exam and a blood test. Sometimes no treatment is necessary for thrombocytopenia because the problem heals on its own. However in some cases treatment may be necessary for the underlying cause or perhaps a blood transfusion from loss of blood. Thrombocytopenia could be prevented by treating the underlying causes that may cause thrombocytopenia. When having any type of blood disorder the best way to stay healthy is by keeping a healthy diet and seeing your physician regularly. * * * * * Sources: 1) WebMD 2) Mayo Clinic * * Blood Disorders Blood disorders describe problems associated with blood components such as red blood cells, platelets, enzymes, plasma and white blood cells. The characteristics of blood disorders depend on the real blood disease. Blood disorders can also be associated with hereditary characteristics whereby some disease causing organisms are transferred from parents to children. Blood disorders or diseases lead to continuous bleeding in case of an injury and poor blood clotting. Blood diseases result from abnormalities in blood itself or defects in blood vessels.The three given cases in this paper relates to various blood disorders associated with lifestyle, genetics and injuries. The first case of four years Amy, who complains of tiredness al the time and eats pasta, breads and hot dogs, and drinks artificial fruit punch, is a case of anemia. Amy is a pale and picky eater and her mother is single and cannot afford to feed large family so it means that her daughter consumes unbalanced diet. Anemia is a blood disorder whereby the number of red blood cells is insufficient to supply enough iron to body parts (Hadorn Ernst, 1961).Iron deficiency is the main cause of anemia and children are vulnerable to this disorder. Main characteristics of anemia include fatigue, slow healing of wounds, weakness, drowsiness and dizziness. Amy complains of being tired all the time and this is one of the main symptoms of anemia. The blood disorder is diagnosed through examination of blood sample and in many cases; the red blood cells are small and pale. Anemia is treated by iron tablets and consumption of vegetables such as spinach and foods rich in iron.Anemia in this case of Amy can be prevented through consumption of well balanced diet and avoiding any circumstances that can lead to excess bleeding such as injuries. In the case of Marcus, a five-year-old African American male whose mother wants the nurse to screen his son for trait is a case of hemochromatosis. It is a case of hereditary blood disorder that has been transferred from mother to son. Hemochromatosis is one of the common hereditary blood disorders that make body tissues to absorb too much iron. Being a hereditary disorder, hemochromatosis is known to develop from dietary iron intake (King E.John, 2002). The blood disorder leads to severe iron overlap in children and young adults. It is caused by defect in HFE gene responsible for controlling amount of iron observed from food. Children who inherit the defective gene from one parent become carries of the disease but may not develop it. Symptoms of hemochromatosis include joint pain, abdominal pain, and fatigue and heart problems. The blood disorder is diagnosed by collecting information concerning family history, physical examination and routine blood tests.Hemochromatosis is treated by controlling the amount of iron getting into the body through phlebotomy process. Prevention of hemochromatosis is very technical as it is a hereditary disease transferred from parents to children through genetics. However, it can be prevented by protecting the body from excess iron. In the case of Richard, he is likely to have thrombosis as is analyzed in his body condition of numerous bruises and tiny red marks around his eyes. Thrombosis is clotting of blood vessels because of blood clot that blocks a vein or artery. Blood clot is caused by damage of blood vessel or changes in blood flow.Symptoms of thrombosis include numerous bruises, swelling of body parts and red spots as a result of blood clot (Wood M. Stephen, 1997). Physical examination of body parts is the best alternative for thrombosis diagnosis. The blood disorder is treated by an anticoagulant that allows thinning of blood. Thrombosis can be prevented through wearing of pressure stockings and use of blood thinners. References Hadorn Ernst, 1961, Developmental Genetics and Lethal Factors, Methuen, Ursula Mittwoch. King E. John, 2002, Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health, Mason Crest. Wood M. Stephe n, 1997, Conguering High Blood Pressure, Perseus Books. Blood Disorders Lily, a 4-year-old Caucasian female, has she been complaining of being tired all the time. She is pale and is a picky eater. Her mother is a single mom with a small budget to feed a large family. Lily eats only pasta, breads, and hot dogs, and she drinks only artificial fruit punch. Lily has iron deficiency anemia. Infants can be infected from the time of birth from certain forms of anemia. Certain forms of anemia are hereditary.When girls are not getting the proper amount of iron in their diet then they may become iron deficiency. There are many different symptoms of iron deficiency anemia but the most common are swelling of the tongue, drying of the lips, and eating and craving ice. Lilyââ¬â¢s mother cannot afford the proper food filled with iron so the best thing that she can buy for Lily is foods and drinks that have vitamin C in it, such as orange juice. * * Davon is a 5-year-old African American male who has just moved to Chicago, and he is visiting his new pediatrician for a kindergarten physical.His mother tells the nurse that she carries the sickle cell trait and wants Davon screened for it. Davon may have the sickle cell trait. I would say that it would be hard to determine if Devon has a blood disorder because he has no symptoms. I do think that Devon is at risk of having sickle cell. Sickle cell is a disease that is inherited. African-Americans are at greater risk for the disease than any other ethnic group. Sickle cell is caused by genetic abnormality. It is diagnosed by a blood test. The blood test measures the amount of abnormal sickle hemoglobin.Sickle cell can be treated by medications such as pain medications, anti-inflammatory medications, and antibiotics for infection. * * Spencer has noted over the past several weeks that he is having more bruises, or ecchymosed, all over his body. After coughing this morning, he noticed tiny red marks all around his eyes. Spencer has thrombocytopenia. I would say that Spencer is at risk for thrombocytop enia. Some symptoms for thrombocytopenia are easy or excessive bussing, prolonged bleeding from cuts, and bleeding from the gums or nose.You can diagnose thrombocytopenia through a physical exam and a blood test. Sometimes no treatment is necessary for thrombocytopenia because the problem heals on its own. However in some cases treatment may be necessary for the underlying cause or perhaps a blood transfusion from loss of blood. Thrombocytopenia could be prevented by treating the underlying causes that may cause thrombocytopenia. When having any type of blood disorder the best way to stay healthy is by keeping a healthy diet and seeing your physician regularly. * * * * * Sources: 1) WebMD 2) Mayo Clinic * *
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
About Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer
About Margaret Bourke-White, Photographer Margaret Bourke-White Facts Known for:à first woman war photographer, first woman photographer allowed to accompany a combat mission; iconic images of the Depression, World War II, Buchenwald concentration camp survivors, Gandhi at his spinning wheel Dates: June 14, 1904 - August 27, 1971Occupation: photographer, photojournalistAlso known as: Margaret Bourke White, Margaret White About Margaret Bourke-White: Margaret Bourke-White was born in New York as Margaret White. à She was raised in New Jersey. Her parents were members of the Ethical Culture Society in New York, and had been married by its founding leader, Felix Adler. This religious affiliation suited the couple, with their mixed religious background and somewhat unconventional ideas, including full support for the education of women. à College and First Marriage Margaret Bourke-White began her university education at Columbia University in 1921, as a biology major, but became fascinated with photography while taking a course at Columbia from Clarence H. White. She transferred to the University of Michigan, still studying biology, after her father died, using her photography to support her education. There she met an electrical engineering student, Everett Chapman, and they were married. The next year she accompanied him to Purdue University, where she studied biology and technology. The marriage broke up after two years, and Margaret Bourke-White moved to Cleveland where her mother was living, and attended Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve University) in 1925. The following year, she went to Cornell, where she graduated in 1927 with an A.B. in biology. Early Career Though majoring in biology, Margaret Bourke-White continued to pursue photography through her college years. Photographs helped to pay for her college costs and, at Cornell, a series of her photographs of the campus was published in the alumni newspaper. After college, Margaret Bourke-White moved back to Cleveland to live with her mother, and, while working at the Museum of Natural History, pursued a freelance and commercial photography career. She finalized her divorce, and changed her name. She added her mothers maiden name, Bourke, and a hyphen to her birth name, Margaret White, adopting Margaret Bourke-White as her professional name. Her photographs of mostly industrial and architectural subjects, including a series of photographs of Ohios steel mills at night, drew attention to Margaret Bourke-Whites work. In 1929, Margaret Bourke-White was hired by Henry Luce as the first photographer for his new magazine, Fortune. Margaret Bourke-White traveled to Germany in 1930 and photographed the Krupp Iron Works for Fortune. She then traveled on her own to Russia. Over five weeks, she took thousands of photos of projects and workers, documenting the Soviet Unions first Five Year Plan for industrialization. Bourke-White returned to Russia in 1931, at the invitation of the Soviet government, and took more photographs, concentrating this time on the Russian people. This resulted in her 1931 book of photographs, Eyes on Russia. She continued to publish photographs of American architecture, as well, including a famous image of the Chrysler Building in New York City. In 1934, she produced a photo essay on Dust Bowl farmers, marking a transition to more focus on human interest photographs. She published not only in Fortune, but in Vanity Fair and The New York Times Magazine. Life Photographer Henry Luce hired Margaret Bourke-White in 1936 for another new magazine, Life, which was to be photograph-rich. Margaret Bourke-White was one of four staff photographers for Life, and her photograph of Fort Deck Dam in Montana graced the first cover on November 23, 1936. That year, she was named one of Americas ten most outstanding women. à She was to remain on staff of Lifeà until 1957, then semiretired but remained with Life until 1969. Erskine Caldwell In 1937, she collaborated with the writer Erskine Caldwell on a book of photographs and essays about southern sharecroppers in the midst of the Depression, You Have Seen Their Faces. The book, though popular, drew criticism for reproducing stereotypes and for misleading captions which quoted the subjects of photos with what were actually words of Caldwell and Bourke-White, not the people depicted. Her 1937 photograph of African Americans after the Louisville flood standing in line under a billboard touting the American way and the worlds highest standard of living helped draw attention to racial and class differences. In 1939, Caldwell and Bourke-White produced another book, North of the Danube, about Czechoslovakia before the Nazi invasion. That same year, the two were married, and moved to a home in Darien, Connecticut. In 1941, they produced a third book, Say! Is This the U.S.A.. They also traveled to Russia, where they were when Hitlers army invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, violating the Hitler-Stalin Non-aggression pact. They took refuge in the American embassy. As the only Western photographer present, Bourke-White photographed the siege of Moscow, including German bombardment. Caldwell and Bourke-White divorced in 1942. Margaret Bourke-White and World War II After Russia, Bourke-White traveled to North Africa to cover the war there. Her ship to North Africa was torpedoed and sunk. She also covered the Italian campaign. Margaret Bourke-White was the first woman photographer attached to the United States military. In 1945, Margaret Bourke-White was attached to General George Pattons Third Army when it crossed the Rhine into Germany, and she was present when Pattons troops entered Buchenwald, where she took photographs documenting the horrors there. Life published many of these, bringing those horrors of the concentration camp to the attention of the American and worldwide public. After World War II After the end of World War II, Margaret Bourke-White spent 1946 through 1948 in India, covering the creation of the new states of India and Pakistan, including the fighting that accompanied this transition. Herà photograph of Gandhi at his spinning wheelà is one of the best-known images of that Indian leader. She photographed Gandhi just hours before he was assassinated. In 1949-1950 Margaret Bourke-White traveled to South Africa for five months to photograph apartheid and mine workers. During the Korean War, in 1952, Margaret Bourke-White traveled with the South Korean Army, again photographing war forà Lifeà magazine. During the 1940s and 1950s, Margaret Bourke-White was among many who were targeted as suspected communist sympathizers by the FBI. Fighting Parkinsons It was in 1952 that Margaret Bourke-White was first diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. She continued photography until that became too difficult by the end of that decade, and then turned to writing. The last story she wrote forà Lifeà was published in 1957. In June of 1959,à Lifeà published a story on the experimental brain surgery intended to fight off the symptoms of her disease; this story was photographed by her long-time fellowà Lifeà staff photographer, Alfred Eisenstaedt. She published her autobiographicalà Portrait of Myselfà in 1963. She formally and fully retired fromà Lifeà magazine in 1969 to her home in Darien, and died in a hospital in Stamford, Connecticut, in 1971. Margaret Bourke-Whites papers are at Syracuse University in New York. Background, Family: Mother: Minne Elizabethà Bourke White, of English and Irish Protestant heritageFather: Joseph White, industrial engineer and inventor, of Polish Jewish heritage, raised as an Orthodox JewSiblings: two Education: public school in New JerseyPlainfield High School, Union County, New Jersey, graduated1921-22: Columbia University, majored in biology, took first class in photography1922-23: University of Michigan1924: Purdue University1925: (Case) Western Reserve University,à Clevelend1926-27: Cornell University, A.B. biology1948: Rutgers, Litt. D.1951: DFA, University of Michigan Marriage, Children: husband: Everett Chapman (married June 13, 1924, divorced 1926; electrical engineering student)husband: Erskine Caldwell (married February 27, 1939, divorced 1942; writer)children: none Books by Margaret Bourke-White: Eyes on Russia. 1931.You Have Seen Their Faces, with Erskine Caldwell. 1937.North of the Danube, with Erskine Caldwell. 1939.Say! Is This the U.S.A., with Erskine Caldwell. 1941.Shooting the Russian War.à 1942.They Called It Purple Heart Valley: A Combat Chronicle of the War in Italy. 1944.Dear Fatherland, Rest Quietly: A Report on the Collapse of Hitlers Thousand Years.à 1946.Halfway to Freedom: A Study of the New India in the Words and Photographs of Margaret Bourke-White.à 1949.A Report on the American Jesuits.à 1956.Portrait of Myself. 1963. Books About Margaret Bourke-White: Sean Callahan, editor.à The Photographs of Margaret Bourke-White.à 1972.Vicki Goldberg.à Margaret Bourke-White.à 1986.Emily Keller.à Margaret Bourke-White: A Photographers Life. 1996.Jonathan Silverman.à For the World to See: The Life of Margaret Bourke-White.à 1983.Catherine A. Welch.à Margaret Bourke-White: Racing with a Dream. 1998. Film About Margaret Bourke-White Double Exposure: The Story of Margaret Bourke-White.à 1989.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Paralegal essays
Paralegal essays When a company's interest are the same as those of an individual employee, in-house lawyers generally can avoid multiple-representation problems. But once there is a conflict of interest or a perception of a conflict the picture changes dramatically. It is important for in-house counsel to know how to spot such conflicts and what steps to take in response. Corporate counsel clients normally include the company, its board of directors, its most senior management, the heads of the company's various business divisions, its employees and even its former employees. All of these clients deserve quality representation in every matter, from the most fundamental to the most vexing. With this broad range of clients, ethical questions can arise. Specifically, can corporate counsel serve more that one client and, if so, what constraints exist upon such multiple representation? In most instances, a corporate lawyer should attempt to represent both the corporation and its employees, consistent with his or her ethical obligations. It is obviously in any company's interest to present a consistent and unified version of events that give rise to potential liability. Under governing ethics rules, corporate counsel has one client the corporation. Whenever conflicting loyalties arise, that relationship is paramount and requires the lawyer to cast aside any other clients. This bright-line test is muted in actual practice, however, and can put in-house lawyers into some uncomfortable situations, For example, they may have to explain to members of senior management that because the managers' interest are sufficiently different from the company's the managers need s eparate legal advice. Just as the importance of corporate law departments has increased, so too have the problems for corporate attorneys. Corporate employees seem ever more aware of their rights as opposed to the company's interests, and corporate counsel must be sensit...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The 10 Best Spelling Games to Improve Your Word Skills
The 10 Best Spelling Games to Improve Your Word Skills SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In case you havenââ¬â¢t heard, according to Taylor Swift, spelling is fun! But if Taylorââ¬â¢s word isnââ¬â¢t enough to convince you, weââ¬â¢ve come up with a list of ways that playing spelling games can actually improve your spelling, including examples of 10 spelling games that are excellent options for kids, adults, or anyone who wants to improve their spelling skills! (Donââ¬â¢t worry: the possibilities for spelling games go way beyond Scrabble.) Check out our list of 10 fun and challenging spelling games that you can play on your own or with friends to build your spelling skills and vocabulary. In this article, weââ¬â¢ll explain why spelling games are an effective way to improve your skills quickly, and weââ¬â¢ll also help you pick out the best spelling games to help you meet your goals. Letââ¬â¢s get started! Top 4 Ways Games Can Improve Your Spelling Did you know that the spelling game Words With Friends is one of the most popular mobile games of all time? Thatââ¬â¢s probably because friendly competition, gamification, and skill-building can be a really fun combo! In addition to being fun, gamifying spelling can provide you with some other benefits too. Here are four ways spelling games can improve your spelling, provide cognitive benefits, and increase your vocabulary! #1: Learning Can Come More Naturally When Combined With Games Researchers have found that incorporating games (like spelling games) into formal classrooms can boost student learning. Specifically, teachers who have used spelling games for kids in their classrooms reported improved test scores, heightened engagement from their students, and better attention spans. But the benefits of games donââ¬â¢t end with childhood- adolescents and adults can reap many of the same benefits from incorporating play and games into their life, too. Unfortunately, itââ¬â¢s easy to overlook the need for play and learning in our lives. Spelling word games are a popular and easily accessible way for adults to relax and enjoy learning, and you might even make friends with your fellow game players in the process. #2: Games Provide Practice What many people really need in order to improve at something theyââ¬â¢re trying to master is practice. But sitting down with a piece of paper and writing a word over and over again is boring! Likewise, being in a classroom can be intimidating, too. Spelling word games- especially spelling games for kids- provide a fun environment to practice spelling...without the stress of a classroom environment. Formal environments where you have to perform a skill in front of other people- like school or work- can create anxiety around developing that skill. Practicing spelling in a game format allows you to try, fail, and try again without worrying about the consequences. And when people play games, they tend to try over and over again even after ââ¬Å"failingâ⬠because theyââ¬â¢re having fun! The kind of recurring practice and willingness to try again that spelling games promote can help anyone improve their spelling skills at any age. #3: Theyââ¬â¢re Great For ESL Learners and People With Dyslexia We mentioned how high-stakes environments like school or work can make spelling scary for some people. After all, no one wants to feel silly if they make a mistake! This can be especially true for people who are trying to learn a new language or who have dyslexia. Spelling games can be especially helpful for people in these situations. Research has shown that making spelling, reading, writing, listening, and speaking into a game can help English Language Learners and people with dyslexia learn to remember things faster and better and develop greater fluency. Connecting people who are learning a new language or who experience dyslexia with effective spelling word games can help them with their language learning. #4: Spelling Games Can Help With Other Important Skills Games give people the opportunity to learn how to spell words over an extended period of time, and they help cultivate an understanding of how the words are formed. Plus, research shows that learning to spell and learning to read and write rely on much of the same underlying knowledge. Many adults describe themselves as both poor readers and poor writers, and recent studies have shown that the time Americans spend reading is at an all-time low. But guess what has seen an increase over the past two decades? The amount of time that Americans spend on playing mobile games. Spelling games provide a great opportunity to dust off those reading and writing-related skills while also enjoying yourself. Itââ¬â¢s an added bonus that exercising the reading and writing skills you already possess through game playing can help you grow and expand those existing skills in new ways as well. Top 4 Spelling Games for Kids Now that you know how word/spelling games can benefit people from all walks of life, letââ¬â¢s look at our list of top spelling games. First up: the best spelling games for kids! PBS Kids Spelling Games If youââ¬â¢re searching for one resource for spelling games online that provides access to a variety of spelling, vocabulary, and reading games designed for kids by education and child development experts, look no further than PBS Kids Online. PBS Kidsââ¬â¢ website conveniently categorizes the many educational games they provide based on different content areas. There are also games for children ranging from the pre-reading stage to age 8. Younger kids may also appreciate the fact that many of PBS Kidsââ¬â¢ spelling, vocabulary, and reading games feature characters they might already know and love from their favorite TV shows, like Big Bird, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and the little heroes of Super Why! The familiarity of these popular TV characters can serve as a big incentive for younger kids to engage with educational games. Though there are tons of educational games on the site, one of our favorite PBS Kids word/spelling games available for free online is Super Why Saves the Day. This game introduces a familiar story, like a fairy tale, and asks players to help rewrite the story using words they spell in the game. Players select letters as they appear on the screen to spell out 3-5 letter words, then choose from the pool of words theyââ¬â¢ve spelled to rewrite different parts of the story. Super Why Saves the Day helps kids with both spelling and reading comprehension. Ideal For: Kids ages 3-8 Where to Find/Buy: PBS Kids website, or download the PBS Kids Games app for iOS, Android, or Amazon Fire Vocabulary Spelling City If youââ¬â¢re a parent or teacher, helping kids succeed in school-based reading and writing is probably important to you. Spelling City games can be a great source of support! Spelling City is a website and app that gamifies literacy learning to help children and youth grow and improve their vocabulary, spelling, phonics, and writing skills. The activities and games provided by Spelling City mimic the forms of learning and assessment that are used for literacy learning in U.S. schools. Using Spelling City can help students develop confidence and familiarity with the ways their literacy skills will be assessed in school through fun, engaging games. There are two different versions of Spelling City currently available: a free version and a paid annual subscription, called the Family Annual Membership. With the free version, you can access spelling games online or through the app. The Family Annual Membership provides more capabilities: in addition to over 40 spelling games, the membership gives you word study playlists, automatically graded spelling and vocabulary tests, and tracks student data and progress. Plus, the membership version is ad-free. Ideal For: Students aged K-12; families who homeschool; parents seeking extra learning support for their children; teachers seeking to gamify literacy learning; English Language Learners Where to Find/Buy: Online at the Vocabulary Spelling City website, or download the VocabularySpellingCity app for iOS or Android. Wordplay for Kids If youââ¬â¢re trying to cut down on screen time, Wordplay for Kids is a great board game option for building kidsââ¬â¢ spelling, vocabulary, word building, and concentration skills. Hereââ¬â¢s how the game works: players use a ââ¬Å"letter spinnerâ⬠to acquire certain letters that they then use to form a word before time runs out. The longer the word that they form, the more points they receive. The words must fall into six special categories: ââ¬Å"Food and Drink,â⬠ââ¬Å"Object or Thing,â⬠ââ¬Å"Living Creature,â⬠ââ¬Å"Something in the House,â⬠ââ¬Å"Boyââ¬â¢s or Girlââ¬â¢s Name,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Any Word.â⬠Another benefit of Wordplay for Kids is that the game can be played as an individual or with a group of 2-6 other players. The inclusive nature of this game gives kids an opportunity to practice spelling with others, which can take the anxiety out of the process. Plus, every player participates in every round, which keeps the excitement and momentum up for young players who want to stay in the middle of the action. Perhaps best of all, Wordplay for Kids is a Teachersââ¬â¢ Choice Award winner, so you know its potential to help kids find success in school-based spelling activities is strong. One word of caution, though: This board game does come with small pieces that could be a choking hazard, so be sure to keep out-of-reach of youngsters who are still in the ââ¬Å"taste-everything-you-touchâ⬠phase. Ideal For: Children ages 6+ Where to Find/Buy: Purchase the board game online through Amazon Montessori Crosswords Montessori Crosswords is an app that comes highly recommended for children with dyslexia. Using the Montessori learning method, Montessori Crosswords uses a phonics-enabled moving alphabet to allow kids to build words from a set of 320 word, image, audio, and phonics combinations. The learning methods used by Montessori Crosswords help kids understand that words are made up of sounds, or phonemes. It also helps kids memorize the phonics associated with letters. The app accomplishes these two things by allowing kids to engage with the letters and phonics in the crosswords through sound, touch, and sight. As we mentioned earlier, making learning feel like playing can decrease many young learnersââ¬â¢ anxiety about spelling. Additionally, this app tackles spelling from a unique learning perspective, so it makes spelling accessible to kids who have had difficult experiences with literacy learning. Ideal For: Any child, and especially children with dyslexia Where to Find/Buy: App store for iOS devices only Top 3 Spelling Games for Adults Now that weââ¬â¢ve looked at spelling games designed specifically for kids, letââ¬â¢s check out some top spelling games for adults. WordBattle WordBattle is a real-time, multiplayer online word game designed to help you practice word building in friendly competition with friends, family, or fellow Facebook users. Hereââ¬â¢s how the game works: each player is given the same 9 random letters and attempts to create a word using them in 40 seconds. Hereââ¬â¢s the catch: each letter is assigned a different point value. Your goal is to come up with the word with the greatest point value because whoever has the most points wins! Since WordBattle can be played through a social media site, there is also opportunity for community discussion about the game. Sometimes there are even debates about the legitimacy of words that are played. Especially enthusiastic players might even bust out the dictionary! Overall, WordBattle is simply meant to be a fun way to stretch your brain and improve your agility at word play...and you might just make a few new friends in the process. Ideal For: Any Facebook user whoââ¬â¢s down for some competition! Where to Find/Buy: The WordBattle Facebook page, or download the app for iOS or Android. New York Times Crossword A classic in the world of spelling puzzle games, the New York Times crossword has been an icon of American culture since the 1940s. It first appeared in the Sunday paper, then was upgraded to a daily feature in the 1950s. The New York Times crossword puzzle gets increasingly difficult throughout the week, with the easiest puzzle appearing on Monday and the most difficult on Saturday. Knowing how the difficulty increases throughout the week can help you pick the puzzle thatââ¬â¢s right for you. And even better: you donââ¬â¢t have to carry a newspaper around with you to play! The New York Times crossword is now available in an app for your phone or tablet. If you want to participate in a beloved national tradition and test your spelling and vocabulary skills, the New York Times crossword is a guaranteed winner. Ideal For: Adults looking for new, challenging spelling word games Where to Find/Buy: The New York Times online; iOS, Google Play, and Amazon Fire app stores Letter Tycoon If youââ¬â¢re interested in face-to-face, interactive spelling word games, consider looking into Letter Tycoon. This board game is an example of a solid approach to integrating a familiar, popular theme with spelling skills. Letter Tycoon asks its 2-5 players to engage in commodity speculation, hand management, and set collection to create the most valuable empire and become the ââ¬Å"letter tycoon.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s kind of like Monopoly-meets-Scrabble! Hereââ¬â¢s how the game works: players take turns forming a word using a seven-card hand and a three-card community pool, then score money and earn stock rewards based on the word they play. Players may use the money theyââ¬â¢ve earned to buy one letter ââ¬Å"patentâ⬠in the word they make. For the rest of the game, when other players use a letter you ââ¬Å"own,â⬠you receive ââ¬Å"royaltiesâ⬠from the bank. Patents, money, and stocks are added up at the end of the game to determine the winner! If youââ¬â¢re looking for a fun, sophisticated spelling game that you can bring to game night, Letter Tycoon is a great option. Ideal For: Adults (and people who like economy-based games like Settlers of Catan) Where to Find/Buy: Purchase the board game from Amazon Prime or Top 3 Spelling Games for Anyone! But games are always more fun if you can play it with your whole family, no matter how old they are. Thatââ¬â¢s why weââ¬â¢ve compiled our favorite all-ages spelling games, too. Bananagrams Bananagrams is like Scrabbleââ¬â¢s hip younger brother. It uses a similar concept in that the first player to use all of the letter tiles theyââ¬â¢ve drawn to create a word grid is the winner. But Bananagrams ups the drama by making it a race against the other players. Bananagrams also comes in a cute, compact, banana-shaped cloth bag thatââ¬â¢s about the size of a pencil case, making it easy to stuff into a backpack or purse and take anywhere. It also requires no pens, pencils, or papers to play! The Classic Bananagrams is great for people of all ages. Children as young as seven can play, and adults of any age can have fun playing, too. But Bananagrams also makes a version of the game called My First Bananagrams, designed for children as young as four who are still in the pre-reading stage. And, get this: if youââ¬â¢re trying to work on your spelling in a language other than English, you can buy Bananagrams in other languages! Available options include: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. Whatever your age or native language, Bananagrams is designed to make you more comfortable with letters and words and helps you improve your spelling. Ideal For: People of all ages and various language backgrounds Where to Find/Buy: Amazon, in-store or online at Target, Barnes Noble, Walmart, or at local toy stores Big Boggle Boggle is a word/spelling game thatââ¬â¢s been around for a while, but it remains popular among people of all ages. Big Boggle is a variation on the classic game, and hereââ¬â¢s how it works: players attempt to find as many connected words as possible from face-up letters in a 25-cube grid. But, the players are also on the clock! When time is up, players compare their lists of words, then eliminate any words they have in common. Players then receive points based on the number of letters in their remaining words. Adding the time element helps you practice your spelling under pressure, and it gives you the confidence to take spelling risks you might not normally take. (After all, youââ¬â¢re trying to earn precious points!) Ideal For: Anyone, but recommend ages 8+ Where to Find/Buy: eBay, Amazon, or in-store and online at Walmart Words With Friends Youââ¬â¢ve probably heard of Words With Friends, a longtime fixture in online and multiplayer word/spelling games. In Words With Friends, players take turns building words in a crossword puzzle format. (If that sounds familiar, youââ¬â¢re right: Words With Friends riffs on the classic Scrabble concept.) If youââ¬â¢re a pretty active game player and enjoy multitasking, Words With Friends allows you to participate in up to 30 games at one time! Players can also connect with people they know to play Words With Friends, or be randomly assigned opponents through ââ¬Å"Smart Match.â⬠Like many other apps that can be played through social media networks, Words With Friends also provides a built-in chat feature that allows players to send messages to each other while playing the game. Ideal For: Anyone, but recommended ages 8+ Where to Find/Buy: iOS, Android, and Windows app store; Facebook, Kindle Fire, and Nook Tablet. What's Next? Do educational games sound like something right up your alley? Then make sure you check out our other posts on educational learning games! (Coming soon) If youââ¬â¢re trying to improve your spelling, you might be interested in working on your reading comprehension, too. Hereââ¬â¢s our complete guide to improving your reading comprehension skills. One reason you might want to improve your spelling skills and vocabulary is to prepare you for the reading portion of the SAT or ACT. (Itââ¬â¢s a great plan!) Learn more about the reading portions of the SAT and the ACT exams to make sure youââ¬â¢re prepared.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Bacterial Meningitis - Pediatric Research Paper
Bacterial Meningitis - Pediatric - Research Paper Example Diagnosing Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges caused by bacteria, which may be fatal to the individual. It can be caused by several types of bacteria, of which the most common are Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis, affecting varied age groups. In children, clinical manifestations of the condition may be fever, stiff neck, headache, lethargy, irritability, nausea, vomiting, and photophobia, which are all non-specific but may suggest the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis when there is a combination of one or more of these symptoms (Scheld, Whitley, & Marra, 2004, p. 384). Through lumbar puncture (LP), the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is examined to confirm the diagnosis, but in cases where LP cannot be performed like in the presence of a focal intracranial mass lesion, a cranial computed tomography (CT) scan or a cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is obtained (p. 385). The respons ibility of the nurse is to conduct a thorough physical assessment and note the presence of Kernigââ¬â¢s and Brudzinskiââ¬â¢s signs. ... n important role in initiating supportive interventions to ensure proper ventilation, reduce inflammatory response, and prevent brain injury, with the goals of reducing intracranial pressure (ICP), maintaining cerebral perfusion, treating fluid volume deficits, controlling seizures, and providing safety measures (Kyle, 2008, p. 500). ADPIE In assessment, the nurse performs a neurologic examination that includes the six areas of neurologic functioning in order to gauge the extent of the clientââ¬â¢s mental state that would jeopardize his safety. He or she notes all aspects of the childââ¬â¢s health, including changes in feeding patterns. One of the priority diagnoses in bacterial meningitis is Risk for Injury related to decreased level of consciousness (LOC) secondary to meningeal irritation. Because there is decreased cerebral perfusion, the patient may experience altered consciousness that would compromise his or her safety. The aim of the nurse in her care is to provide safet y measures and prevent further complications, and educate the clientââ¬â¢s family on promoting a safe environment. The nurse monitors for fever, nuchal rigidity, or irritability, watches vital signs, and for increased ICP and altered responsiveness, in order to detect common sequelae such as subdural effusions or septic arthritis and ensure prompt treatment (ââ¬Å"Nursing Care,â⬠n.d.). It is also important to measure the intake and output of the client, with measuring urine specific gravity, restricting sodium, and obtaining daily weight to determine possible fluid retention and prevent cerebral edema. As shock is also possible to occur, the nurse continuously monitors vital signs, blood pressure, capillary refill, and level of consciousness in order to prevent the complication or quickly respond once
Friday, October 18, 2019
Cohabitation before marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cohabitation before marriage - Essay Example Most of the students in this age are potentially dating a fellow or is considering to. The high school students have a higher chance of advancing to the college levels where cohabitation largely takes root. If you still deliberating, is it essential to prepare in advance for a looming dwell or do so when the challenge actually arrives? The wise will consider advance preparation for the dwell; in this case the dwell being marriage and preparation being cohabitation. III. Credibility: Research by the Council of Contemporary Families indicate that partners who start to cohabit in their college years demonstrate a higher chance of leading a successful marriage than those who never attempt to make such effort early enough. Among randomly selected 200 participants who qualified the set conditions for a successful marriage, 164 (82%) stated having tried cohabiting during their college days with only 36 (18%) indicating they attempted cohabiting in later years after completing colleges. Among the 164 participants who tried cohabiting in college years, 73 were male and 91 female. a. Can you really know someone that well as to commit without living with them? I bet no; living together is the certainly the ultimate test of knowing your partner before committing. Cohabitation tests the ability of partners to tolerate each other on various aspects including the ability to survive through charming elements of cohabiting. It tests the compatibility of the partners particularly through their abilities to resolve the arguments and conflicts of interests. For the college students who cohabit, they are exposed to the realities of commitments early enough. Young couples are able to drop the preconceptions of the ideal relationships that they watch in movies and face realities of life. b. If a young couple can learn to love even after the realization that all aspects of relationships are not always fun, then they can be assured of a
Problem-based Learning (PBL) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Problem-based Learning (PBL) - Essay Example Although this concept was initially used by the medical school of thought, today it is widely employed in the field of nursing education also. As scholars point out, problem based learning can be very effective in nursing education because this concept is capable of enhancing patient safety. This paper will discuss a nursing situation where problem based learning activity is performed to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. The paper will also analyze how this type of study design can be applied to teaching practice. Problem Based Learning (PBL) The article ââ¬ËProblem solving strategies used by RN to BSN students in an online problem based learning courseââ¬â¢ written by Oldenburg and Hung (2010) illustrates that elements of problem based learning process including ââ¬Ëactive learning, analysis and synthesis, collaboration, and learning in the contextââ¬â¢ can significantly contribute to the development of problem solving and critical thinking skills in nursing students. The major purpose of this article is to gain understanding of studentsââ¬â¢ problems solving experiences in an online problem based learning environment. The article gives particular focus to various problem solving strategies used by students and changes identified in those strategies throughout the semester. The authors conduct this study based on the problem based learning and the community of inquiry models. The community of inquiry model outlines the essential elements of higher education success in an online environment such as social presence, teaching presence, and cognitive presence (Oldenburg & Hung). In this research work, a qualitative-case study approach was employed to obtain extensive information and deep understanding of various problem solving strategies chosen by a group of learners in a problem based learning course. RN to BSN nursing students, enrolled in an online pathophysiology course were the participants in this study. Under this study, each group of students were asked to identify the patientââ¬â¢s primary condition and relevant pathophysiology and to make decisions in order to assess the problem solving strategies used by students. The research findings indicated that problem solving is a dynamic process, and students change their strategies between the phases rather than continuing their work in a sequential manner. According to Oldenburg and Hung, the problem based learning activities really assist students to effectively deal with processes like problem recognition, information gathering, construction of meaning, and problem resolution. Cooper and Carver (2012) assert that the problem based learning can greatly aid students to define each problem using their past experiences and knowledge. It was observed that students analyzed the problem information to determine which information was to form a good understanding of the problem. Using their previous experiences, students could easily recognize relevant fac ts and the additional information required to diagnose the problem. The authors opine that the most advantageous feature of this problem based learning activity is that students can identify their own knowledge gaps. Referring to Cooper and Carver, under the problem based learning approach, students used their past experiences to guide research with the help of shared information obtained from textbooks, scholarly articles, and other online resources. In addition to gathering
Lesson Plan Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lesson Plan Analysis - Essay Example They start connecting to what they already know and prepare themselves to process new information; as well it encourages them to begin to formulate correct responses in L2. In assessing this part of the plan, students are evaluated as to active participation in the discussion, ability to comprehend and interpret new idioms by responding correctly to discussion questions and the general flow of the discussion, and their degree of peer engagement in L2. Provide alternative learning outcomes by revising the expectations and reducing the number of expectations. (p.260) By reading some selections aloud to students, it models pronunciation and helps students develop a feel for rhythm and intonation of English sentences. ( p.222) It is important for all teachers to guide students through texts, demonstrating effective reading strategies and focusing on specific text. This teacher-directed intensive reading known as ââ¬Å"guided readingâ⬠; it helps students develop strategies that they can use to read independently challenging texts.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The impact of tobacco advertising on the females Essay
The impact of tobacco advertising on the females - Essay Example This warmer weather will likely to prompt smokers to go outside frequently to other areas if indoor smoking laws are tight. Sex appeal, independence, fashionableness, adventure, and affluence are identified as themes found in female-targeted cigarette advertising. The advertisement of cigarettes smoked by women only gave women a sense of liberation, exclusivity, and equality. In late 1960s, initial advertising campaigns of Virginia Slim included claims that there is a cigarette for women only. This is the slim cigarette made just for only women, who is tailored slim than the fat cigarettes smoked by men. In 1969, John Landry argued that early ideas if a thin cigarette did not gain positive response as per market respondents. It rather worked well when they added the idea of female orientation. In the analysis of competition on female oriented cigarette, advertising hit the market in 1968, just as the women liberation was entering the national consciousness (Barnard, 1998). The positi oning cigarettes specifically for today have liberated women who have unique swing image. It has been documented that tobacco advertising is targeting women, but less has been discovered how the needs satisfaction messages effectively promote smoking to women. The documents from the tobacco industry provided an opportunity on examining the industryââ¬â¢s process of developing cigarette advertising for women. The industry identified this in a research in 1980 as a salient to women of life experiences and different ages. Marketing of Satin was tested to compete in the growing market of educated and working women who smoked slim cigarette. The response to this brand of cigarette received a very... This essay "The impact of tobacco advertising on the females" outlines the connection between commercials of cigarettes and the level of smoking among women. It has been documented that tobacco advertising is targeting women, but less has been discovered how the needs satisfaction messages effectively promote smoking to women. The documents from the tobacco industry provided an opportunity on examining the industryââ¬â¢s process of developing cigarette advertising for women. The industry identified this in a research in 1980 as a salient to women of life experiences and different ages. Marketing of Satin was tested to compete in the growing market of educated and working women who smoked slim cigarette. The response to this brand of cigarette received a very positive response. Satin was positioned in that it could communicate to homemakers and working people that they need time for themselves to relax and foster themselves by smoking satin cigarettes. The women were also, sharing the need for escapism, private, and self indulgence (Burns, 2010). According to research conducted by Lorillard in 1981, test market respondents on satin appealed to desire to relax with a cigarette, desire to pamper individual, sensuous nature of a woman, and suppressed dream of relaxing in luxury. It was also noted that, advertisements which involves women in fantasy of escape from lifeââ¬â¢s problems with a little self indulgence which seem to be striking a nerve. This is most dangerous with focus groups especially with older women.
Management Practices in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management Practices in the Workplace - Essay Example entrusted with five functions namely: planning, leading, organizing, staffing and controlling which must be done efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational success. These will be the subject of this paper especially their implementation in a practical situation. This is one of the critical functions of management. According to Block (2011 p. 16) is the capacity to initiate a future distinct from the past. This can only be achieved through practices that foster high employee engagement. DuBrin (2008) and Reilly et al (2011) view planning as a process of setting goals and deciding on how to achieve them. Organizations unlike in the past whereby they used to have crisis management whereby decisions are made when problems arise; make long-term plans to guide the future of the organization. The manager must develop a vision and mission for the organization to guide all its activities. Plans can be strategic, tactical or operational depending on their use. Strategic plans are long-term and determine the future of the business. They are developed by high levels of management and form the basis for lower level tactical and operational plans. Tactical plans are developed for functional areas of the organization or business unit in a global company. These tactical plans according to DuBrin (2008) are for implementation of strategic plans through division into specific goals. They are also formulated by middle level managers. Operational plans on the other hand, are concerned with specific procedures and actions involved in running day-to-day activities or daily performance targets (Reilly et al. 2011). However, tactical and operational plans should be aligned with strategic plan. The operation plans in this case ensure efficiency (doing things right) while strategic plans ensure effectiveness (doing the right things) (DuBrin, 2008, p. 135; Reilly et al. 2011). For exa mple at Tripac, the most important decisions such as increasing market share or to do with
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The impact of tobacco advertising on the females Essay
The impact of tobacco advertising on the females - Essay Example This warmer weather will likely to prompt smokers to go outside frequently to other areas if indoor smoking laws are tight. Sex appeal, independence, fashionableness, adventure, and affluence are identified as themes found in female-targeted cigarette advertising. The advertisement of cigarettes smoked by women only gave women a sense of liberation, exclusivity, and equality. In late 1960s, initial advertising campaigns of Virginia Slim included claims that there is a cigarette for women only. This is the slim cigarette made just for only women, who is tailored slim than the fat cigarettes smoked by men. In 1969, John Landry argued that early ideas if a thin cigarette did not gain positive response as per market respondents. It rather worked well when they added the idea of female orientation. In the analysis of competition on female oriented cigarette, advertising hit the market in 1968, just as the women liberation was entering the national consciousness (Barnard, 1998). The positi oning cigarettes specifically for today have liberated women who have unique swing image. It has been documented that tobacco advertising is targeting women, but less has been discovered how the needs satisfaction messages effectively promote smoking to women. The documents from the tobacco industry provided an opportunity on examining the industryââ¬â¢s process of developing cigarette advertising for women. The industry identified this in a research in 1980 as a salient to women of life experiences and different ages. Marketing of Satin was tested to compete in the growing market of educated and working women who smoked slim cigarette. The response to this brand of cigarette received a very... This essay "The impact of tobacco advertising on the females" outlines the connection between commercials of cigarettes and the level of smoking among women. It has been documented that tobacco advertising is targeting women, but less has been discovered how the needs satisfaction messages effectively promote smoking to women. The documents from the tobacco industry provided an opportunity on examining the industryââ¬â¢s process of developing cigarette advertising for women. The industry identified this in a research in 1980 as a salient to women of life experiences and different ages. Marketing of Satin was tested to compete in the growing market of educated and working women who smoked slim cigarette. The response to this brand of cigarette received a very positive response. Satin was positioned in that it could communicate to homemakers and working people that they need time for themselves to relax and foster themselves by smoking satin cigarettes. The women were also, sharing the need for escapism, private, and self indulgence (Burns, 2010). According to research conducted by Lorillard in 1981, test market respondents on satin appealed to desire to relax with a cigarette, desire to pamper individual, sensuous nature of a woman, and suppressed dream of relaxing in luxury. It was also noted that, advertisements which involves women in fantasy of escape from lifeââ¬â¢s problems with a little self indulgence which seem to be striking a nerve. This is most dangerous with focus groups especially with older women.
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