Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Students and Politics free essay sample
Understudies and Politics The most dynamic, well-spoken, propelled and dynamic section of the countrys populace is the understudies network. The developmental time of understudies life ought to be used for an overall adjusted advancement of his/her character. Political experience establishes a basic piece of this learning experience. This period sets one up to confront the difficulties better and empowers one to prevail throughout everyday life. The much advertised filthy cloudy nature despite Politics can possibly instill characteristics like general mindfulness, staying informed concerning current appeningsand over all initiative characteristics in a person. Understudies who Join governmental issues are acceptable speakers. They become emphatic by shedding their tentative ness and modesty. Handling problemsand understanding debates and taking care of emergency circumstances anyway little or huge they might be, injects trust in them. It encourages in creating abilities to manage individuals from all foundations and of all shades of supposition. Also, legislative issues can't be separated from an understudies life as he persistently connects with the Students Union andvarious other understudy relationship in school. We will compose a custom exposition test on Understudies and Politics or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Understudies likewise have a lot of presentation to mediums like the press, TV, film, and so forth hich are significant operators of political articulation. Political theory is a crucial piece of the schedules both at the school and school level. This underlines the job that legislative issues plays in different phases of a people life. Consequently, it is vain to close out understudies from governmental issues. History is loaded with instances of understudies assuming an essential job in over-tossing degenerate domineering systems, liberating their kin from outside burden and propelling constant campaigns against social treachery and abuse. Greater part of the incredible pioneers entered governmental issues during their understudy life. In this manner, political instruction or preparing during studentlife is significant for achievement throughout everyday life. Numerous understudies associations like all Manipur understudies association (AMSU) are large andpowerful understudies associations in the north eastern piece of India. Their clout is incredible to such an extent that they could even conflict with the general people groups decision. Where legislators fall flat, they succeed without any problem. The intensity of the adolescent is a strong stream, holding back to be channelized. The governmental issues of a specific framework decides if this appens in a productive or dangerous way. Nonetheless, there is a breaking point to the degree of an understudies contribution with the goal that a decent cooperation doesn't influence his primary reason, which is to consider. While he isn't relied upon to stay aloof notwithstanding criminalization of governmental issues, disassembling of majority rule associations, defilement, communalism and casteism, he ought not enjoy factional or divided legislative issues, or surrender to the out of line bearings of senior gathering pioneers. The understudy wing should proclaim the new, at exactly that point do they have the right to be known as the guarantee of tomorrow. A superior tomorrow.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Summary Of Wind In The Willows English Literature Essay Essay Example
Synopsis Of Wind In The Willows English Literature Essay Paper The Wind in the Willows is a book composed by Kenneth Grahame, and was distributed in 1908. The tale is moderate voyaging and quick paced, it is around four humanized vivify being characters viz. Badger, Rat, Mole, and Toad inside a peaceful release of England. The book is significant for its blend of venture, supernatural quality, ethical quality, and benevolent relationship. The Wind in the Willows is about the capers of a lot of four fleshly companions that show human conduct: Badger, Rat, Mole, and Toad. The Wind in the Willows comprises of three portrayals set up: the account of the organization of Rat and Mole, the capers of Toad, and the two passionate sections on nature called Wayfarers All and The Piper at the Gates of Dawn ( Grahame 2 ) . The account Begins when Mole abandons the spring purifying of his subterranean house to go for a stroll down the riverside. Mole meets Rat, and the two ended up being companions. Mole as great becomes mates with Toad, the rich proprietor of Toad Hall. Frog convinces Rat and Mole to take an excursion on his nomad train, in any case during the outing they are constrained off the way by a hustling vehicle. After profound idea, Toad abandons the train to trail the auto. Rodent and Mole return place. We will compose a custom paper test on Summary Of Wind In The Willows English Literature Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Summary Of Wind In The Willows English Literature Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Summary Of Wind In The Willows English Literature Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Accordingly on, Mole gets lost assessing the nation over the stream called the Wild Wood. Fortunately, Rat salvages him ; besides the two get shelter in the protected and warm dwelling place of the Badger. In the meantime, Toad has gotten exuberant about automobiles and has slammed army cars. Badger being so stressed over his juvenile companion, he requests that Rat and Mole help him to change over Toad to be progressively meticulous. Their petition to him disregard, and Toad is caught taking an auto and is imprisoned for 20 mature ages. Frog escapes from jail and has numerous adventures on his excursion place. At the point when he in end shows up back at Toad Hall, he gets it invade with stoats, weasels, and Mustela nigripess from the Wild Wood. His companions help him to force the homesteaders to leave the place and lounge a gay blowout. The account terminals with Toad choosing to modify ( Grahame 39 ) . One of the significant subjects of The Wind of Willows is the excursion ; in the account, various characters feel the craving to go and the interest to examine limitless outside of their place nation. However a large portion of these excursions bring about achiness to visit the family and risk. Rodent takes Mole out for a drive in his paddling transport. The two companions get along great additionally both of them go through a greater amount of their clasp on the stream, with Rat creating Mole the methods of the waterway. Among the odyssey of Rat and Mole on one summer twenty-four hours, they visited Toad. Frog is benevolent, gay and rich however arrogant, thus spooky about things and excuses them along these lines. Frog s these days trend is his pony drawn caravan. Mole needs to run into up Badger, who lives inside the Wild Wood, all things considered Rat realizes that Badger does non welcome visits, thus decreases to take him, implying that if Mole will show restraint, Badger himse lf will see. In any case, on a winter s twenty-four hours, Mole visits the Wild Wood to stroll around, trusting to run into with Badger. He lost in the woodlands, surrenders to frenzy and alarm and fells in the main part of the underlying foundations of a protecting tree. Mole is an unassuming, home-adoring creature, and the primary character to be propelled. Discouraged with spring purifying in his wanderer place, he wanders into the outside universe and builds up an increasingly originative life. From the start overawed by the unsettling influence of the riverside, he in the long run adjusts. Ratty is so loose and inviting H2O field mouse, he is so loving of the stream and takes Mole underneath his wing. He is depicted to be now and again blue, and can be obstinate with regards to making things which are non in his riverbank way of life ( Grahame 2 ) . In the Wind in the Willows the majority of the characters are passed on by powers they do non comprehend, and ca non help. For case Mole only leaves his place since something up high was naming him tyrannically. The feathered creatures take off south, they state, for the ground that they feel inside them a sweet tumult. At the point when Ratty and Mole travel towards the weir in chase of Portly, Otter s losing newbie, they state the Moon did what she could, albeit so far away, it helped them in their excursion ( Grahame 5 ) . In an extremely assorted idea of an excursion, Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham examines the normal and passionate contemplations before traveling, non via train or boat, however in a nomad caravan. The concentrate starts with a realistic portrayal of the train A ; acirc ; Ãâ â⠢s visual viewpoint, which features the significances of a splendid mean of travel romanticizes the outing. Inside the account, Toad, who was mentally determined, envisions the promptings that can be accomplished through an excursion that is filled of positive guarantees. In the class of his expressions of elation, he focuses on that the excursion will empower them to see existent life through going on the detached course to a new life wealthy in conceivable outcomes. Ratty then again was sane driven as he passes on disappointment and doubt ( Grahame 3 ) . Unmoved by Toad A ; acirc ; Ãâ â⠢s expanded ravings, he grunts in inconsiderateness. Kenneth Graham quickly clarifies that in any event, w hen an incredible office of an excursion is introduced, it relies upon the person who is going to discover whether to take on the excursion or non. All the way through the content, he each piece great communicated the expectations and worries that a single takes before set abouting an excursion. Mole imagined that he would be fulfilled and cheerful as he set out on an excursion moving carelessly ; unexpectedly he remained by the limit line of a full-took care of waterway. He had neer seen a waterway before in his life. The author depicts the stream as smooth, indecent vivify being, sinuate, trailing and laughing, charming things with a murmur moreover go forthing them with a chuckle, to excursion itself on new playfellows that shook themselves detached, and were caught and held again. That is the first to mole that the stream life will be Life Adventurous ( Grahame 2 ) . Mole A ; acirc ; Ãâ â⠢s entire universe changed when he originated from his home and met the well-intentioned, Water Rat who adores vessel, the persnickety Frog of Toad Hall, the humankind which abhors Badger who lives in the chilling Wild Wood, and endless other all around pleasant creatures. In the beginning periods of this account, the energetic and cagey Water Rat is addressing his best companion, the passionate however simple to satisfy Mole, sing his most adored action. He says that nil appears to check, that is its alluring power. He says that whether one gets off, or whether they do non ; whether one shows up at their completion or whether they neer get wherever by any organizations, they are ever occupied ( Grahame 4 ) . When Kenneth Grahame composed novel he finely communicated that equivalent purpose of position that the Water Rat had. Thusly now and again we start to guess whether the procedures are taking to anything, by the by one that realizes that that is its intrigue. In spite of the fact that the humane Mr. Badger investigates his gigantic obstruction spot, Rat and Mole skim down the waterway in paddling pontoons ; the Otter prepares his kid Portly how to swim moreover Toad finds another furor. So by partner the peaceful, made way of life out of the river side tenants alongside the quick paced demonstration of common life, the author keeps the perusers enchanted. Mole and Ratty learn on their odyssey through the wide open that one is non ever fulfilled by deserting their place and venturing out to bet just like Mole did. They other than discover that the intrigue of it the solitary idea behind a caper. As Ratty says that nil appears to check, that is its alluring power. He says that whether one gets off, or whether they do non ; whether one shows up at their completion or whether they neer get wherever by any offices, they are ever occupied. Through their capers I have discovered that companions with existent virtuousnesss can loan to the developing of one good conduct ( Grahame 239 ) .
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Valium (Diazepam) for Panic Disorder
Valium (Diazepam) for Panic Disorder Panic Disorder Treatment Print Valium (Diazepam) for Panic Disorder By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 07, 2020 Frank van Delft/Cultura/Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Understanding Valium Valium and Panic Disorder Side Effects Potential for Addiction Other Precautions View All Back To Top If you have panic disorder, medication can be a useful part of your recovery plan. Valium (diazepam) is one type of anti-anxiety medication thats used to treat panic disorder and other conditions. Understanding Valium Valium is the trademark name for the anti-anxiety drug diazepam, a type of benzodiazepine. Anti-anxiety medications that are classified as benzodiazepines, such as Valium, are also known as sedatives due to their tranquilizing and calming effects. Other types of frequently prescribed benzodiazepines include Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam). Valium and these other common benzodiazepines can help reduce the intensity of panic attacks, nervousness, and anxiety. Valium is often prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia).?? It also acts as an anticonvulsant and can be used to treat certain medical conditions, such as seizures and muscle spasms. Valium is also approved to treat anxiety associated with certain illnesses, including bipolar disorder, alcohol withdrawal, and other conditions. How Valium Treats Panic Disorder Valium impacts the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, neurotransmitters in the brain that are connected to the regulation of sleep, relaxation, and anxiety.?? When influencing the GABA receptors, Valium then slows down the central nervous system (CNS). This action decreases your feelings of nervousness and agitation and produces a sense of calm and relaxation. In this way, Valium also helps lessen the intensity of panic attacks and other anxiety symptoms. Valium is a fast-acting medication that quickly helps lower anxiety and other symptoms of panic disorder. Valium gets into your system rapidly, but can also build up over time, which can sometimes make it challenging to find the most effective and safe dose of Valium. Side Effects Due to their effectiveness and relative safety, benzodiazepines are often prescribed to treat anxiety disorders and other conditions. However, all medications have side effects that you may or may not experience. Some of the most common side effects of Valium include:?? DrowsinessDizziness and lightheadednessLack of coordination and unsteadinessFatigueWeakness Most side effects should go away or lessen over time. Consult your doctor if side effects worsen or become unmanageable. The Potential for Addiction Valium, along with all other benzodiazepines, is classified as a controlled substance.?? It is possible to abuse Valium and to develop both a physical and emotional dependence to this medication. Symptoms of Valium Withdrawal If you become dependent on Valium, it can be difficult to discontinue use of the medication due to the potential for withdrawal symptoms, including: AnxietyTremorsVomitingExcessive sweatingSeizures Your doctor will likely discuss strategies to lower the risk of possible abuse and dependence, and then review your progress on Valium over time. Do not attempt to ever reduce or stop your dosage on your own. To keep you from experiencing withdrawal symptoms, your doctor will help you gradually lower your dosage of Valium. Other Precautions When Taking Valium There are several precautions to consider when taking Valium:?? Medical history: Caution should be taken if you have a history of certain medical conditions. Talk to your doctor before taking Valium if you have been diagnosed with these or any other medical condition: Narrow-angle glaucomaLung diseaseSleep apneaLiver diseaseMyasthenia gravisKidney diseaseDrug or alcohol addictionDepression Allergic reaction: As with any medication, you can potentially have an allergic reaction to Valium. This medication should not be taken if you have a history of being sensitive or allergic to benzodiazepines. Seek immediate medical care if you show signs of an allergic reaction, including skin rash, difficulty breathing or swallowing, itching, or swelling of the face, tongue, mouth, or throat. Drug interactions: Valium depresses the central nervous system. Alcohol and medications that similarly slow down the central nervous system should be avoided while youre taking Valium. To prevent unwanted drug interactions, let your doctor know what prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking. Drowsiness: Dizziness, lightheadedness, and drowsiness are common side effects of Valium. Be cautious when driving or performing other tasks that require awareness and concentration until you have become more familiar with how Valium affects you. Pregnancy and nursing: Valium can be passed on to a child during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Discuss the potential risks of taking Valium while pregnant or nursing with your doctor. Coping With Panic Disorders During Pregnancy Older adults: The side effects of Valium are typically more noticeable for older adults. To limit these effects, a change in dosage may be necessary. A Word From Verywell The information provided here is intended to provide an overview of the use of Valium for panic disorder. This summary does not outline every possible situation, such as potential side effects, outcomes, complications, or precautions and contraindications associated with Valium. Any questions or concerns you may have about your prescription should be addressed with your doctor or pharmacist.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Case Analysis Dave Armstrong (a) - 648 Words
Organisational Behavior Case Analysis: Dave Armstrong (A) Case Summary: This case is about Dave Armstrong, a 29 year old second year MBA student of Harvard Business School. Immediately after his graduation from a small liberal arts college in Texas, he started working for Thorne Enterprises as a computer Programmer. After eighteen months in the job, he quit to go into life insurance business in Amarillo. He applied to Harvard Business school but hadnââ¬â¢t considered what he would do, once accepted, he decided to go there as he and his wife wouldnââ¬â¢t have to compromise on their lifestyle as he would still be receiving renewal income from his old policy holders. Now, he is 3 months away from his graduation and he has three job prospectsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Dave would get 45000 dollars as securities analyst till the original position is available in 6-12 months. Daveââ¬â¢s wife wants him to choose this job as this does not require any investment and is a fairly secure job not involving any risk or uncertainty. According to Daveââ¬â¢s perspective, to satisfy his personality aspects and aspirations, he should choose Job A. However, according to his wifeââ¬â¢s wishes, she would want him to choose Job C, as it is safer and more reliable. Hence, we must do a weighted analysis of all his important attributes and do a comparison of all the three jobs. We also need to understand that Job A and Job B will have 2 different situations each, a situation if all goes well (high) and a situation if nothing goes well (low) Weight | Attributes | Job AHigh | Low | Job BHigh | Low | Job C | 2 | Equity | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | Bonus | 4 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3.5 | Salary security | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3.5 | 5 | Fun and Flexibility | 5 | 3.5 | 4 | 2.5 | 0 | 3 | Travel | 1.5 | 1.5 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 4.5 | Contacts | 2.5 | 1.5 | 4.5 | 3 | 3 | Ideas | 3 | 2.5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | | Probability | 0.2 | 0.8 | 0.4 | 0.6 | - | | Total | 15.35 | 31.8 | 33.1 | 27 | 15.25 | According to the calculations in the table above, Job A =47.15, Job B=60.1, Job C=15.25. Therefore, Dave should choose Job B as it has the highest value according to the weighted analysis of his desiredShow MoreRelatedMarketing Strategies Of Amazon s Marketing Strategy1743 Words à |à 7 PagesAmazonââ¬â¢s Marketing Strategyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..7 Conclusionâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦...8 Works Citedâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦9ââ¬Æ' Executive Summary World Wide International Consulting (WWI) was hired by Amazon to conduct an analysis of Amazons current marketing strategy, as well as predict the introduction of a new product to the industry; movie purchase/rentals when still in theaters. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Boxes by Raymond Carver - 1120 Words
ââ¬ËBoxesââ¬â¢ is a short story that focuses on the limits that people are confined to either by their own doing or by society; it is a story about physical and psychological boxes that they put their emotions and true feeling into. The story focuses on the mother who, plagued by depression, contains her emotions and relies on lies and manipulation to achieve her goals; her son, the narrator, who cannot bring himself to ââ¬Ëunboxââ¬â¢ his true feelings about his mother; and Jill, whom serves as a foil to both characters by having no walls or barriers. The narratorââ¬â¢s mother canââ¬â¢t handle getting close to anyone in her life, so she counteracts this by hiding her true self in a box and moving from place to place. She battles a great depression since she lost her only solid human relationship with the death of her husband. She doesnââ¬â¢t allow anyone to know about or help her with her depression. She boxes her emotions up. ââ¬Å"Boxes and have been sitting around inside her house for monthsâ⬠(583); the author uses this to represent the motherââ¬â¢s life and psychological issues; she holds all of her real thoughts and emotions inward. Rather than dealing with the issue of her husbandââ¬â¢s death, the mother uses moving as a way to escape. She moves to a new area in search of happiness, blaming her problems on anyone except herself. The mother states ââ¬Å"Other women my age are happy. Why canââ¬â¢t I be like other women?â⬠(587), this reinforces the idea that she is searching for contentment and a way to overcome herShow MoreRelatedEssay about Raymond Carvers Boxes1504 Words à |à 7 PagesRaymond Carvers Boxes There are many types of relationships, though all are complicated and both parties of the relationship must bend over backward for one another. In Boxes, Carver shows how difficult it is for the son to cope with bringing closure to his motherââ¬â¢s relationship though he still loves her. The mother moves to be near her son; however, she starts packing to move again a while later; not finding the relationship she once had with her son. Through the short story ââ¬Å"Boxes,â⬠Read More Robert Altmans Film Adaptation of Raymond Carvers Short Cuts4363 Words à |à 18 PagesRobert Altmans Film Adaptation of Raymond Carvers Short Cuts The characters in Robert Altmans film adaptation of the Raymond Carver anthology Short Cuts think theyre islands entire of themselves. They suspect their lives and their worlds of isolation, alienation, separation, in multiple senses of the words. They fail to see, or perhaps purposely ignore, connections between themselves and those around them, between their actions and the ramifications of those actions. And while a typicalRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Cathedral `` By Raymond Carver And The Lady With The Dog1501 Words à |à 7 PagesThe two stories of ââ¬Å"Cathedralâ⬠by Raymond Carver and ââ¬Å"The Lady with the Dogâ⬠by Anton Chekhov focus equally on the grand theme of change. In ââ¬Å"Cathedralâ⬠, the story concentrates on the main character, referred to only as the narrator. He is portrayed as a close minded and unaccepting man, but as the story goes on we see a drastic change in his thoughts and actions. The story is told in first person point of view, giving re aders a first-hand account of how and why the narrator changes as the storyRead MoreEssay on The History Of Arts And Crafts5478 Words à |à 22 Pageswithout great detail. Child with a Cat, by William Zorach, is an example of sculpture carved directly in stone. Wood permits more complex carving. Wood can also be shaped and bent, if it is given the right type of treatment first. With planning, the carver can make grain an effective part of the design and add to the surface beauty of the work. Clay is soft and lends itself to more delicate designs. Metal can be melted and cast in molds to reproduce sculptures designed in clay. Metal can also be worked
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Computer Based Interactive Learning System Free Essays
Chapter I The Problem and Its Background Introduction A computer based interactive learning mathematics system program created as a learning tool; lecture tutorials help people new skills by using a step by step process. Interactive tutorial deals effectively with students who exhibit challenging behaviors; it is also an important approach to such problems from a research validated theoretical perspective. Interactive lecture tutorial provides basic introduction to the behavioral model. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Based Interactive Learning System or any similar topic only for you Order Now By understanding and applying the behavioral model, it could increase the livelihood of intervening with problem behaviors andit is appropriate for a wide variety of personnel who work with students and exhibit challenging behaviors such as regular education teachers, special education teachers, school psychologist, school administration, counselor and pre-service teachers. On the other hand, the proponents wanted to provide reliable learning application that would help the existing manual process of learning to its learners. This is through the development of computer-based instruction system in mathematics of PLT preparatory school. Objectives of the research project To design, developed, and tryout an M-TB-ML computer-based interactive learning mathematics competencies among kinder pupils in PLT College Incorporated. The interactive material will be in tagalog. Specifically the research project aims: 1. To identify the existing infractural materia (in pront form) used in learning mathematics for kinder pupils. 2. 3. To try this among a small group of pupils to determine its effort on their learning and enjoyment. Theoretical and Analytical Framework The paradigm shows the implementation of computer-based instruction system. This learning process design is a break-through in the field of education. With this, it provides accessibility, reliability and credibility to learners through efficient method, strategy and technique of instruction procedures. * Method * Strategy * Technique * Accessibility * Reliability * Credibility Computer ââ¬â Based Instruction System in Mathematics of PLT Preparatory School Significance of the Study This study is significant to PLT Preparatory School. Specifically, it is very beneficial to the following entities: Pupils ââ¬â could have easier understanding that would relate well in the learning process. Teachers ââ¬â could lessen the burden in the manual lessons preparation such as visual aids and test questions. Researchers ââ¬â could provide reliable tool that enhances its learning process. Future researchers ââ¬â could be an essential guideline and basis for future studies in line with tutorial design. Scope and Delimitation The proposed computer-based interactive learning mathematics limit itself for the preparatory school. When it comes to learning process, the integration of multimedia (e. g. sounds, videos) and animation (e. g. objects) is very much included for reliable delivery of lessons. In the assessment process, examination is integrated with a friendly user approach through multiple of choices to learners. Progress chart for every learner is provided for monitoring purposes by teachers. Definition of Terms Computer-based ââ¬â According to wiseGEEK (2013) stated as a term that can be used to describe virtually any kind of learning program using computers as a central staple. This approach to learning takes advantage of the interactive elements ofà computer software, along with the computerââ¬â¢s ability to present many different kinds of media. Lesson Delivery ââ¬â It is a systematic method/procedure of instruction to learners with the objective of imparting reliable knowledge. Lesson Accessibility ââ¬â A method of instruction delivery that is easy for learners to adopt. On the other hand, it is a method that is internet-base delivery of instruction to learners. Lesson Reliability ââ¬â It refers to the content of instruction that contains consistent knowledge to learners. Method ââ¬â It is a set of procedures that teachers utilize in the learning process to learners. Preparatory School ââ¬â This is a level category in education that focuses on kids learning environment. Strategy ââ¬â Aà methodà orà planà chosen toà bringà about a desiredà future, such as achievement of aà goalà orà solutionà to aà problem (Business Dictionary. com, 2013). System ââ¬â Aà setà ofà detailedà methods,à proceduresà andà routinesà created toà carryà out a specificà activity,à performà aà duty, or solve aà problem (Business Dictionary, 2013). Technique ââ¬â à a procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task (Wikipedia, 2013). Teaching Process ââ¬â are those things undertaken by the teacher in order to promote and support learning by the students (Webb, 2013). Teaching Tool ââ¬â It is a device or instruments that can help in the teaching process to students. How to cite Computer Based Interactive Learning System, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Murray - Sargent Judith ââ∠On the Equality of the Sexesâââ¬ÃÂ
Question: Describe about the Murray, Sargent Judith. On the Equality of the Sexes? Answer: Introduction Murray, Sargent Judith was a prominent American essayist, playwright, fiction writer, and poet of eighteenth-century. Her works propagated womens rights and influenced the emerging theatre of the post revolutionary era. She was a long forgotten writer who was recently re discovered and her works appeared in new editions. Murray left a body of work that throws light on the insight of the history and culture of the Post Revolutionary times. She was considered to be a liberal, intelligent and a wide thinking writer. She used her power of writing to challenge many prevailing opinions about the theatre and also the rights of women. Throughout her writings, Murray put forth the important social, philosophical and even political questions. She was an intelligent writer with deep thinking and reasoning and she presented in her writings all about the culture of the new nation she was a part of. Most of her notable works addressed the role and rights of women in the society ('First Lady Of Let ters: Judith Sargent Murray And The Struggle For Female Independence'). On the Equality of the Sexes On the Equality of the Sexes, the essay was published in the March of 1790 in Massachusetts Magazine. The essay was ahead of its time. It was the very first time ever that a women writer had pointed on an issue as sensitive (in those times) as womens equality with the men. It was something unique for that era and society. It was, according to the present-day scholars, the very first piece of writing, or the very first instance in the American society where a woman argued for womens capacity to reason (Galewski). The main subject of the essay dealt with the status of women in the society. It revolved around how they were treated in education as well as society. Murray clearly rejected the notion that women are intellectually inferior to men and therefore cannot be considered for the positions and status equal to men in the social scenario. The essay is a loud feminist writing, which gave a voice to a part of society that was downgraded since ages without any reason or logic. This essa y was the first ever feminist voice that rose in public in a way. She argued in the essay that not only the women are equally intelligent but also have equal aptitude as of men. Murray blamed the education system of being bias and unequal. Education system favoured men by granting them access to higher education and discouraged women from broadening their own minds (Murray). Murray strongly believed that while the boys were taught from a very early age to strive for greatness in their lives, girls were domesticated and stifled; pigeon holed into the role of a housewife (Murray). The women had limited access to education and learning, unless as in the case of Judith Sargent Murray, they had resources to teach themselves. Murray argued very strongly and covered her bases by pre-empting any possible counter argument. As she knew that some would reason that education of women would take time away from their house chores, she counter argued saying I answer that every requisite in female economy is easily attained; and, with truth I can add, that when once attained, they require no furthermental attention (Murray). She believed that by doing those same repetitive tasks daily no woman was actually improving her intellect. Her essay also had a theological approach. Murray said that God made men and women equal therefore women deserve same level of respect, stature and same opportunities. The only difference between men and women is physical, not mental. She said the same breath of God animates, enlivens, and invigorates us (Murray). Her ability and quality of putting forth her arguments strongly made her so popular. Conclusion The essay actually acted as a spark to light the fire of feminist thinking and more prominently feminine writings. On the Equality of the Sexes is a document of views of an educated woman, who taught herself and then used her knowledge to try to make a difference in the lives of other women who were not as fortunate as she was to have resources and reach to education. The essay was very successful attempt as neither it just put the idea out that the women are equally capable, but also demonstrated it. The idea was revolutionary at that time, but even today these notions are prevalent all around and this essay serves as an example. References- 'First Lady Of Letters: Judith Sargent Murray And The Struggle For Female Independence'. Choice Reviews Online 47.01 (2009): 47-0143-47-0143. Web. Galewski, Elizabeth. 'The Strange Case For Women's Capacity To Reason: Judith Sargent Murray's Use Of Irony In On The Equality Of The Sexes (1790)'. Quarterly Journal of Speech 93.1 (2007): 84-108. Web. Lorber, Judith. 'Beyond Equality Of The Sexes: The Question Of The Children'. The Family Coordinator 24.4 (1975): 465. Web. Mcgrath, Lynette. 'Let Us Have Our Libertie Againe: Amelia Lanier's 17Thà Century Feminist Voice'. Women's Studies 20.3-4 (1992): 331-348. Web. ZINN, M. B. 'FAMILY, FEMINISM, AND RACE IN AMERICA'. Gender Society 4.1 (1990): 68-82. Web. 'Selected Writings Of Judith Sargent Murray'. Choice Reviews Online 33.09 (1996): 33-4979-33-4979. Web.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
What are your personal and educational goals free essay sample
People are always talking about their goals but they never achieve them. I think that in order to be successful in life you need to have good goals to try and achieve. After you achieve these goals you should set higher goals and so on. I have both personal and educational goals about 11 I would say. Educational goals are important in my life because to succeed in life you need a good education to later support you and family. My first goal would have to be to graduate from high school. To get good grades and get some scholarships to get into collage. I would like to go to collage for architecture or some other kind of build construction field. If that is not what I want to do and I change my mind I would like to go into translating and other parts of the speech field. I would also like to play soccer in collage for a couple years if they have it in the university. We will write a custom essay sample on What are your personal and educational goals? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My main personal goal is to be happy with my wife and one day be a grandfather. To meet this goal of being a grandpa and be exultant I first have to reach the goal of finding that special some one and ask them to marry me. If she says yes my next goal would be to have a big wedding with all our friend and family and go Hawaii for the honey moon. Being a grandpa would be great because I see my grandparents have so much fun seeing me and my cousins grow up. I want to day have that same joy. I would also be passing the family name to my kids and them to theirs. If I donââ¬â¢t find that girl right away I would like to travel and go to events. I would like to go to Europe and visit all the historic places like the Eiffel tower in Paris and Stone Hinge in England. I would like to go to these places and others because I enjoy history. After years of reading about these places I want to go visit them and imagine how thing happened there. Another is to go to a World Cup and watch a game of Brazil, Mexico, and the final no matter where in the world the World Cup is being held. I want to watch of Brazil because they are always really good and have big name players. Mexico is my favorite team because thatââ¬â¢s where Iââ¬â¢m from and I want to see them play. Those are my goals that qualify me for this scholarship. Also the goals that I hope to succeed in life.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Avert vs. Avoid
Avert vs. Avoid Avert vs. Avoid Avert vs. Avoid By Mark Nichol Whatââ¬â¢s the difference between avert and avoid? They share a primary meaning (with a subtle but significant distinction) but despite their structural similarity are etymologically unrelated. This post discusses their senses and origins and those of similar-looking synonyms. Avert derives from the Latin verb vertere, which means ââ¬Å"turn.â⬠To avert is literally to turn away; one averts oneââ¬â¢s eyes or gaze when one turns away, so as not to make eye contact or see something. But avert also means ââ¬Å"preventâ⬠or ââ¬Å"ward off,â⬠a sense it shares with avoid. However, while avert implies active effort to stop something from happening, avoid often suggests keeping away from or refraining from something rather than preventive action. One averts disaster by doing something to stop it, while one avoids it by removing oneself from a situation that will result in disaster. Aversion, originally the noun form of avert, still alludes to the physical act of turning away in its modern senses of ââ¬Å"dislikeâ⬠or ââ¬Å"repugnanceâ⬠; more rarely, it refers to an object of antipathy. Avoid stems from the Latin verb vuider, which means ââ¬Å"emptyâ⬠and is also the origin of void, which as a verb means ââ¬Å"emptyâ⬠and as a noun means ââ¬Å"emptiness.â⬠The a is a vestige of the Latin prefix ex-, in this sense meaning ââ¬Å"outâ⬠; the prefix, slightly altered in the Old French word esvuider, ended up in Anglo-French as the first letter of avoider, from which the English word avoid is derived. (Devoid, meaning ââ¬Å"without,â⬠also has the root word void.) Something is said to be avoidable, and an act or practice of avoiding is avoidance. Another word that appears to be related to avert and avoid is evade, which means ââ¬Å"avoidâ⬠or ââ¬Å"escapeâ⬠but its origin is the Latin verb vadere, meaning ââ¬Å"goâ⬠; to evade is literally to not go. Something avoidable is also evadable, though this adjective is seldom used. The noun form is evasion. Inevitable, meaning ââ¬Å"unable to be avoided,â⬠is also unrelated; its antonym, evitable, is rare but also goes back hundreds of years. Their ultimate source is the Latin verb vitare, which means ââ¬Å"shun.â⬠In addition to being an adjective, inevitable sometimes appears as a noun, as shown in ââ¬Å"Accept the inevitableâ⬠(meaning, ââ¬Å"that which cannot be avoidedâ⬠). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Lookâ⬠On Behalf Of vs. In Behalf OfEspecially vs. Specially
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Who is Jesus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Who is Jesus - Essay Example Matthew was the only direct disciple of Jesus. Mark was a disciple of Simon Peter and Luke a disciple of Paul of Tarsus, hence the Synoptic Problem. Some scholars favor Matthew as the source and Mark and Lukeââ¬â¢s Gospel derived from Matthewââ¬â¢s and a hypothetical source which they call Q. Document. There is no proof of this, only the historical testimony of who was with Jesus and who wasnââ¬â¢t.Jesus started His ministry by asking John to baptize him, (Mat.3:13-17) but John tried to deter him, Jesus insisted on the grounds of fulfilling righteousness. Once baptized, Jesus went up out of the water and in that moment heaven was opened and the Spirit of God descended upon Him. He then went to the desert for forty days and forty nights to fast and meditate. It was at the end of that fasting that de evil one came to tempt Him. Yet, although hungry in the flesh he was filled with the spirit of God and did not succumb. (Mat.4:2-11) Jesusââ¬â¢ strength and spiritual nurturing came from doing the will of God, from deep within. Foremost, He believed in his Father, he lived the scripture. In John.15:2-17 Jesus explains how remaining in God, by fulfillment of the law, giving to the needy, prayer and fasting is what leads the way. This is how He fostered his own spiritual life.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
English Grammar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
English Grammar - Essay Example Through this class I have learned that no matter what I write, the piece will never reach its zenith without proper grammar. I enjoyed English class in elementary school. I don't believe that I found much inspiration in the subject because I knew it was a core class and I was expected to get the all important "A". It was not until middle school that I actually began to loose points on other tests because of poor grammar. I became aware of the importance of grammar during my first Social Studies test and lost ten points because of improper grammar. I can recall readying myself to do battle with my teacher and demanding my well earned "A" and watching my imagined victory deflate as my teacher explained to my classmate that they were lucky they did not receive a "F" because of the poor grammar on their test! Erroneously, I presumed that my grammar would improve with my widening repertoire of vocabulary. I had hoped that by writing for my school newspaper, I would be the new maven of journalistic news, not so. My grammar held me back. I found my articles being consistently edited due to my lack of grammatical skills and realized that if I did not do something about it, my grades would fall, I would be thrown off of the newspaper and fail the SAT's! I realized that any point that I tried to make in writing would be belied by horrid grammar use. It was then that I realized that grammar skills are the common denominator to all subjects. I sought tutoring in high school from my English teacher and we began from square one. Slowly but surely I gained confidence in adverbial placement. Additionally, I became determined to not rely upon the spell and grammar check feature in my computer. Obviously, I felt intimidated when I began this course. I am not a scholar, nor am I looking to be. I had expected everyone to be far more advanced than I. To prepare myself for this course, I began tutoring myself on a website called I studied acrostic poems, conjunctions, collective nouns and I began to study adjectives. Once this class began, I felt that I was starting with solid footing, but I soon came to learn that "composition" means far more than a simple name to a class. This class in English composition has taught me to compose. I have learned to take thoughts and bring them together to create a vision. As I mentioned earlier, I do not consider myself a scholar or the next Pulitzer prize winner. I do believe however, that my progress in grammar has affected my writing in a positive way not just in prose but in speech as well. I am a mature woman now. I am not a child, adolescent or young adult. My grammar usage, both written and oral gives the reader and listener respectively, their first impressions of me. I want them to be positive impressions. Grammar usage, whether we care to admit it or not, is a reflection of our intellect and our wit. This class has been the most challenging by far as applied to grammar. I am well aware of the fact that I have not mastered grammar and I am learning to proof read my work because I am a reactive writer. Nonetheless, I think this is my most successful class because I am confident in grammar usage both verbal and written. I appreciate all of the advice that I have received and the encouragement that greets me as I read my feed back
Monday, January 27, 2020
Richard Branson Management Analysis
Richard Branson Management Analysis Virgin is a company established in 1970 by Richard Branson as a mail order company for sale of records. The company name Virgin was suggested by an associate of Mr Branson and was adopted as proclaiming their commercial innocence, while possessing some novelty and modest shock-value (Grant, 2010:808). Over the years, the company has grown rapidly and became a leading branded venture which diversified into other businesses. Today, Virgin is widely recognised and has become one of the most respected brands owing to successfully grown businesses in areas such as the airline industry, telecom, financial services, music etc. So far, the company has more than 200 individual companies or ventures which are owned and controlled by 20 holding companies that operate under one umbrella Virgin. Most of these companies own assets, employ people, offer goods and services (Grant, 2010:816). Even though all Virgin companies and ventures are separate entities, each is empowered to run its own affair s. They share common resources and capabilities that link them. Grant (2010) noted that the principal commonalities between this diverse range of enterprises are, the Virgin brand, and the role of Richard Branson as their instigator and major investor which is discussed below. Resources and capabilities defined by Grant (2010) are productive assets owned by a company and what the company can do. Resources are not productive in themselves they need to be converted into capabilities by being managed and co-ordinated ( For a company to gain competitive advantage, the company requires to focus on key strengths in resources and capabilities and ensure both work together instead of in isolation. In the case of the Virgin Group, one major resource is its founder Branson, who founded the company in 1970. His strong leadership is vital to developing new capabilities for Virgin. As noted by Grant (2010), his strength as a businessman was in conceiving and implementing new business ideas. Richard Branson is not only the founder, he is also an instigator and major investor in the company. His enthusiasm and devotion for business led him to establish a series of other Virgin companies such as Virgin Records, Virgin Airline, Virgin Rail, Virgin C ola etc. He is famous worldwide, his leadership of the Virgin Group extended beyond his role as a source of entrepreneurial ideas. As creator of Virgin and its unique corporate culture, and the primary promoter of its image and entrepreneurial spirit, Branson was synonymous with Virgin (Grant, 2010:814). He does not believe in corporate culture and bureaucracy, he prefers to do things differently by transition from rule Britainnia to cool Britainnia. Informality and disrespect for convention were central to Bransons way of business (Grant, 2010:814). Over the years, Branson has become more of strategic and charismatic leader of the Virgin Group instead of mere hand-on manager and his business vision has been a driving force for the success of Virgin. Another link is the Virgin Brand. Brand names and other trademarks are a form of reputational asset, their value is in the confidence they instill in customers (Grant, 2010:128). Grant (2010), described it as the Virgin groups most valuable asset. He noted that the values and characteristics that the Virgin brand communicated are inseparable from Branson the entrepreneur. The Virgin brand was also identified with innovation and unconventional strategies and marketing that characterised most Virgin start-ups (Grant, 2010:813). With the brand, the group was able to create other companies representing quality of services and value for money. It enabled them to create a range of products and services over other markets. Even though a brand name is an intangible asset, the value to organisational growth and competitive advantage sometimes can be immeasurable. The success of a firm to build a strong consumer brands have a powerful incentive to diversify which the Virgin group have succeede d in doing (Grant, 2010:130). The Virgin brand allowed the group to diversify to unlikely business areas in countries around the world like the US, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong etc. The success of Virgin can also be traced to its organisational structure and culture. Organisational culture as identified by Jay Barney and cited by Grant (2010) is a firm resources of great strategic importance that is potentially very valuable which relates to its values, traditions and social norms. Virgins ability to operate effectively with so little formal structure or management systems owes much to the groups organisational culture as defined by Bransons own values and management style (Grant, 2010:818). He draws inspirations from the ideas of others and encouraged submission of new business ideas to its corporate offices. Employees are encouraged to develop business ideas for new businesses. Grant (2010) pointed out that the idea of Virgin Bride was actually from a Virgin Atlantic employee appalled of products and services offered by bridal stores in the UK. Employees have stakes in the group and strive to make the company succeed, allowing them to manage and control the co mpany and also to enjoy the benefits of their success. In 1993, Branson summed up Virgins relationship with employees as staff first, then customers and shareholders. Virgins capability is in using employees competence and commitments in achieving organisational goals which can only happen where there is an open workplace structure and culture. Virgin has done well in the establishment and management of new businesses over the years, but some of its businesses are no longer what they used to be considering the current the world economic downturn. Virgin must look inward and see some of its ventures that are no longer economically viable and consider divestment. A few of them should be considered like Virgin airline, Virgin money, Virgin cola etc. Virgin dominated the airline industry due to its management style and offering customers value for money, but this came at a price. The airline industry is capital intensive. As a matter of fact, in 1992 Branson sold his most profitable and successful business, Virgin Music for à £560 million to fund Virgin Atlantic (Grant 2010:809). Even though the airline still makes profit but it is not as profitable as it used to a decade ago. People no longer travel as much, and competition in the entire travel industry is rife. Nowadays, airlines are always trying to win customers over by of fering low prices and unique packages, compounded with substitutes to air travel etc. There are other factors affecting the profitability of air travel such as government regulations and deregulations, high jet fuel price, taxes etc. Considering all these, it will be best for Branson and the Virgin group to divest Virgin Airline. Branson is always known as trying to stick it the big boys, but his involvement in financial activities seems to be a business that should be left to the big boys by divesting and concentrating on other areas. Customers will prefer products and services from institutions with a long history and good track record such as banks and other financial institutions. With more established players in the field, his involvement is a little tricky. Virgin is not a bank and does not have all the infrastructures to ensure full banking activities, and as a result its effort to bid for 318 RBS branches in England and Wales failed, and was ran over by Spanish banking giant Santander, a clear indication for Virgin to divest Virgin money. Virgin cola, another of Richard Bransons effort to stick it to the big boys should also consider divestment. It is a known fact that brands fail when they move into unknown territories. Even though, Virgin cola might be cheaper than the likes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, these are two giant coke makers known worldwide. It will be hard, if not impossible for Virgin Cola to make an impact competitively in the world market. Coke and Pepsi take competition seriously and will not fold arms while Virgin Cola try to unseat them. It is believed that strong brands exploit competitors weaknesses. Though Virgin is a strong brand, but its Virgin Cola is not a strong brand when compared to Coca-Cola and Pepsi. By 1997, Virgin Cola was losing à £5 million on revenues of à £30 million (Grant, 2010:813). Still trying to take on the big boys will come at a detrimental costs to Virgin. So, it will be wise to also divest Virgin Cola. As a result of diversification, a firm can expand its range of products and services and sell to existing customers or create new markets in different parts of the world thereby increasing value and growth. Grant (2010), described it as risk reduction strategy that enables shareholders spread risks. He noted that the focus of diversification analysis has been to identify the circumstances in which multi-business activity can create value (Grant, 2010:406). To determine if diversification will create shareholder value, Grant advised to apply Porters essential tests the attractiveness test, the cost of entry test and the better off test, Grant (2010:408). He explained that without diversification, firms are practically prisoners in their own industry. Branson successfully built companies from ground-up but strategic alliance with firms with the resources and capabilities might be beneficial. Alliance is something Branson knows well. In 2007, he negotiated an alliance with an Indian co mpany Tata to establish Indian Virgin mobile. Branson should do the same by diversifying into road construction in developing countries like Nigeria. An alliance with an already established company in Nigeria with the resources and capabilities such as Chinas Shanghai Shibang Machinery company (SBM) will be ideal. SBM provides construction companies with large amounts of stone crushers, sand making machines and industry grinding machines. Virgin has economies of scope as a result of tangible and intangible resources due to its brand name, this can be exploited to increase value through licensing or franchising. Virgins operating styles have been designed by Branson. Things have changed, Virgin should adjust its financial structure. Branson should consider looking within the group and consolidate or divest companies that are not performing well. Grant (2010) noted that to obtain the tax relief from Virgins loss-making firms, there are clear advantages to consolidation. Branson argued that Virgin companies operate on a standalone basis but consolidation of some in similar businesses such as Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Blue and Virgin Express, Virgin Retail and Victory Corporation will create more financial stability. This will also cut down the overhead of conducting multi businesses and offer customers more diversified service range. Virgin is a successful brand of small companies that run independently, its organisational structure has been as styled by Branson. The structure has worked to an extent but Virgin should allow its brand name to be used by other small good companies through franchise and collect royalties. Grant (2010), described the Virgin brand as its most valuable asset. The benefit of franchising the brand means Virgin can reduce risk, provide the much needed cash that it requires to run other profitable businesses, watch the business grow with minimal involvement, freely expand to other businesses and enter new markets in new countries. Franchisees are very important source of newà market offeringsà and product concepts. Many companies have done well through franchise such as McDonalds, Trump hotels etc. The management structure of Virgin has been centred on one man, Branson and operated with little formal structure or management systems, this will not last forever. An organisation as big and diverse as Virgin should have a top-bottom management system instead of decisions being made by Branson and a few close pals. It is important that a well detailed management structure is in place instead of no-building, no-headquarters type of management he operates. The system may have worked under Branson does not mean it will work after him. Virgin is not a one-man business, it is a multi-national corporation and if Branson was to become less active as chief entrepreneur, public relations director and strategic architect without a defined management structure in place, who or what would take his place (Grant, 2010:822)? A centralised and systematic way of managing the future without Branson is what Virgin needs like Apple Inc.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Forecast Appendix
Opportunity Nowadays lifestyle is fast, whatever children, working period and everyone have not enough time to take care of their health, at the same time, and most of people are interested taking care of their health by used the supplementary product (pill or brew-drink). Moreover health is nowadays significant to several individuals. Because of this, supplementary food merchandises are widely traded. On the other hand in hurriedly time BASE (Beauty, Strong and Easy (Consume)) supplementary product is the new and different way for everyone.BASE supplementary product can be convenient easy, because the supplementary product in type of candy is can save the time no matter when working or car driving, on the other hand the candy supplement product does not need any water to devour. Unfortunately, not everyone is in a position to get all of the nutrients they need from their food. Here are three reasons why some people use dietary supplements instead: 1 . Physical stress decreases the b ody's ability to absorb nutrients from food. Have you ever been so tense before a school exam that you threw up or otherwise felt sick?If you have, then you know firsthand that stress can disrupt your digestive system. Many people work in stressful environments that produce physical stress (e. G. , construction workers), emotional stress (e. G. , counselors), and mental stress (e. G. , accountants and lawyers). In these environments, people's bodies may experience reduced efficiency at extracting nutrients from food. Consequently, people often have to use dietary supplements to keep their bodies healthy. 2. Dietary supplements can compensate for poor cooking.Many people are busy enough that they have to (a) eat fast food or (b) cook quickly for themselves. In either case, the food consumed by such people might simply lack the necessary nutrients for a healthy human being. It is a no-brainier, therefore, for people to use dietary supplements. 3. Unusual health requirements force some people to take dietary supplements. With the help of a doctor, some people (e. G. , pregnant mothers and drug addicts) determine that they need additional nutrients in their diet in order to remain healthy.While these needs can be temporary, they can also be permanent, requiring people to use supplements throughout their lives. Normal, healthy people can get all the nutrients they need from the food they eat. Unfortunately, not everyone is as healthy as they would like to be. For the reasons discussed above, many people need to take dietary supplements. Obviously, this should be done under the guidance of a competent physician. Market Target The target market of the BASE supplement can be anybody who needs vitamins to consume.Because many entrepreneurs see that the target market group really has high purchasing power to purchase the product and base on their common need. Consequently, this target market group really concern about their health and beauty, skin and body shape. In add ition, a certain groups at risk of deficiencies should use supplements can divided as following below All pregnant and breastfeeding women should take vitamin D supplements women trying to conceive and women in the first educe their child's risk of neural tube defects such as spine biffed. ? People aged 65 and over should take vitamin D supplements People with darker skin and people who are not exposed too much sun should take vitamin D supplements All children aged six months to five years should be given a supplement containing vitamins A, C and D Figure 1 ââ¬â Vitamins needs Diagram Product and Service Design SF is a method for developing a design quality aimed at satisfying the consumer and then translating the consumer's demand into design targets and major quality assurance points to be used throughout the production phase.Our group will take the random population to find out the voice of customer for the Candy Supplement product, by use the interview method and questionna ire method to collect the data. As a result, the voice of customer for the BASE Supplement product is different because the need of customer is base on their personal need. We can identify as below table: Figure 2 ââ¬â Personal need Diagram Product Layout The top of BASE Candy Box BASE candy 3. 2 g. Egg. 2 CM Inside of Package included 30 seeds of 12 CM.Front Cover of the Packaging of BASE Candy Supplement Figure 3 ââ¬â Product and Packaging Design Marketing Program Product Strategy Product Line- BASE candy supplement is available in 3 kind of flavor. The three are (1) Candy created for people who are use for support other remainder on the body of people. Consequently, the BASE candy included many benefit such as -Good Health -White Skin -Fresh -Burn Calorie Packaging- the BASE Candy packaging made from cardboard paper.Price Strategy the BASE (Beauty, Strong, Easy (consume)) price is 490 baht per 30 seed. That price has a little bit high cost, because if the company set the price more than 500 baht as a exult, the customer will change their mind and change to buy other product. Promotion Strategy actually we have two promotions, key promotions are member promotion and buying promotion. Member Promotion ââ¬â The customer should register and pay annual fee for BASE Supplement's company member card in order to get discount 5 % of products. The loyal customer of BASE Supplement's company will get discount 10 % of products. Buying Promotion -Promotion per monthly and per year -Customer buying two box set of product, the company will give discount coupons for using the next time (depends on company's policy) Place (Distribution) Strategy -The BASE supplement product will was distributed in Drug store, and sale in malls around Thailand. ââ¬â The BASE supplement product distributed on company's website. The BASE supplement product will launch by social network such as Backbone, Mainstream, and Twitter. It is more convenient to customer that they cannot go to buy the product at drug store or far. They choose goods and payment such as credit card, application on mobile etc. Moreover the website have pictures and clips of The BASE Supplement in order to customer determine and confident in supplementary food. Then the company will send parcel post to the buyer's address.SOOT Analysis in the company Strengths: * It's the herbal candy to eat without water * It's durable and beautiful packaging format * It can use in every generations * Low sugar * Many benefits * Easy to buy * Can keep a long time Weakness: * Diversity of competitors * Expensive for child * No advertising reach consumers * Health concern trend * Weight control trend * Popularity * High quality * Growth economic * Government support about health care Threats: * Some materials hard to find * Is a business that high investment Product Process Misunderstanding's formula (no color added.Free of preservatives)' There are several types of herbs. Can use as needed such as Okra , chrysanthemum, licorice, ginger, lemon, orange, coca, panda, Stateliness, berry, cherry, quince, etc.. Candy and good quality be directly produced from herbs. Without the use of synthetic fragrances and colors. This may be harmful to consumers. How to prepare the herbs. Each type uses a different method to get out. Here are split into 2 groups. First Grouchiest use dry flowers and fruits. The group spent part of the trunk, such as okra, liquorices, chrysanthemum, ginger etc. Principles used herbal preparations.Boiled it slowly may be used 1 part herbs immigrated 1 part boil gently until get water, test, smell, color, and other properties of the herbs tried stew to the most concentrated. Concentrated herbs that can be used to produce candies herbs taste. Need to do day to day. Because herbal concentrates stored for up to one day, if not lose them. If you need to keep them long times may be frozen in the refrigerator. Herbal that we get should be filtered to clean sludge and sedimen t. Second Groups which use water form fruit such as Citrus, Orangeades group to reserve the natural quality of the nutrients and vitamins in it.Can not to boil it. Candy production process 1 . Boiled water to boil, Then immediately reduce the heat to slowly pour the sugar into the melted slowly stir the fire is now very weak. If a gas flame to fade to a minimum. If the electric power to almost boiling temperature is to use the heat to very low. If you use high heat to burn sugar. 2. Later sugar melts. Glucose syrup is added to stirring gently until well combined. Final concentration was added to the herbs. Beat together well when it is put into the water at first to be almost completely evaporated.I think the water evaporates. Quickly pour this mixture into the mold immediately. Forms designed to remove them. Dry and hard candy to come out easily. Hard candies that will be long. Need to use chainsaws or saws to cut bread. Cut out the candy pieces are cut to size as needed. For multi ple years, the cans should be storage with the lid closed. Improving formulations If you want to cool with the addition of menthol to about 0. 1-1% along with the herbs. Cooling effects of menthol taste is a bit transparent. Elf the concentration of flavors. Citric acid may be added to the 0. %.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Knowledge and Organizational Learning Essay
The emerging importance of social media was not one that has taken the corporate world by surprise. By empowering people with the sensibility that their voice matters and can make a difference, social media technologies have altered forever how people communicate and the way companies conduct their business. The success of Web 2. 0 lies primarily in the network effects which creates a sense of community. With the implementation of effective social media strategies, many global brands have won the hearts of their customers simply through staying connected and relevant. As such, this essay will explore how social media when managed strategically in an organisation, can be used to improve its ability to share knowledge across space and time, support innovation, aid problem solving and build social capital. Some case studies of organisations excelling through their social media platform will be discussed and evaluated. It must be noted however, that social media in all of its glory can act as a double edged sword when it is not used appropriately. Improving knowledge sharing Knowledge could be defined as ââ¬Ëactionable informationââ¬â¢ that allows one to make a more informed decision and provide an effective input to conversations and innovation at organisation levels (Jashapara, 2011). It enables one to act more effectively and aid in the ability to better predict future outcomes. A major challenge in organisations today is fostering a knowledge sharing culture. Whereby explicit knowledge is somewhat easy to codify and stored, the sharing of tacit knowledge remains rather equivocal. Through communities of practice which connects people through shared mutual interest and expertise in a specific discipline, organisations are now able to foster the kind of knowledge sharing culture they aspire (Burk, 1999). These social and professional networks create a virtual platform for employees to share relevant experiences and best practices, as well as identify knowledge gaps in their learning. As the ââ¬Ëbite-sizeââ¬â¢ information is now readily accessible, learning and knowledge sharing becomes more convenient and easily assimilated. Yammer, an enterprise social networking tool is used by over 200,000 companies and more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies for internal communications and knowledge sharing (Customer Success). Launched in 2008, it drew inspiration from Facebook and Twitter where it features social networking as well as mircroblogging with a secure and private network. Designed for company collaboration, file sharing and exchange of knowledge and information with other users within their organisation or pre-designated groups, Yammer has successfully removed geographical barriers and creates immense knowledge sharing opportunities. It is imperative to note that there are two internal cultural forces that impacts learning and effectiveness in organisations (Jashapara, 2011). In an organisation culture with strong forces of cooperation, it is an ideological organisation where employees are more inclined to share knowledge and expertise. Conversely, if the forces of competition are dominant, it may create silos mentality whereby there is unwillingness to share knowledge in order to gain a competitive advantage (Holst & Fields, 2010). Despite having the various technologies in place for knowledge sharing, there must be interpersonal trust between employees in order to facilitate the exchange of knowledge (Lucas, 2005). Affect-based trust which is built on mutual care and concern between employees is a predominant factor as to oneââ¬â¢s willingness to share tacit organisation knowledge. It is found that individuals who were friends were more inclined to share personal and tacit knowledge with one another (Epsein, 2000). The tacit knowledge transfer is characterized by interpersonal relationship as well as long-standing working relationship which will motivate an individual to act in ways that benefit the other (Smedlund, 2008). Hence, with trust and a culture to share, the silo mentality of an organisation will be diminished and they will reap the benefits of knowledge sharing. Supporting innovation Innovation is the ongoing process of discovering new products for the customers or improving work process and efficiencies (Jashapara, 2011). It is no longer a question whether an organisation should pursue innovation but rather, it is a prerequisite for achieving a competitive advantage and success in many industries today. Innovation spurs motivation and efficiency within an organisation and though effective innovation management, it can increase market share through existing markets and capture new markets as well (Potecea & Cebuc, 2010). Customer experience will be enhanced with improved product quality and with wide range of choices made available to them. Innovation prevails in organisations with flexible and adaptive structure, a culture of trust and knowledge sharing and led by a committed management team who are motivated to promote organisation learning (Dasgupta & Gupta, 2009). Through the use of effective social media strategies, an organisation now has more platforms share ideas, gather feedback and innovate on product offerings and customer experience. One prime example is Starbucksââ¬â¢ own version of a social network portal, ââ¬ËMy Starbucks Ideaââ¬â¢ where it is an avenue for customer to share their own Starbucks related ideas (My Starbucks Idea). Inaugurated in 2008, it leverages on desire for engagement and interaction in social network by giving users the ability to share and vote for ideas and check on the outcomes of their suggestions. Through this platform, Starbucks is able to hear directly from their customers and act upon the ideas thereby cultivating and creating great consumer value and community. My Starbucks Ideaââ¬â¢ is complemented with Starbucks Blog, ââ¬ËIdeas in Actionââ¬â¢ which features contributions by various Starbucks employees who shares on the implementation of the ideas given by users through the ââ¬ËMy Starbucks Ideaââ¬â¢ site (Ideas In Action). Ultimately, through the use of social media, Starbucks is clearly prioritising their communication with customers and this creates an e ven greater sense of loyalty to know that their ideas are valued and implemented. It gives customers the empowerment to be involved in part of the decision making process and the ability to shape the future of Starbucks. Aid problem solving The emergence of problem-finding and problem-solving approach highlights the importance of identifying problems to solve, seizing opportunities and overcoming the challenges in organisations (Nickerson, Yen, & Mahoney, 2012). Through the multiple channels of social media, organisations can now connect with customers and hear first hand of their experiences and address problems instantaneously. A good example of an organisation leveraging on social media to aid problem solving is Best Buy, the worldââ¬â¢s largest consumer electronics retailer (About Best Buy). Through the years, they have provided customers with exceptional choice, unbiased advice and trusted support for their technology needs. Galvanised by the influence and power of social media, Best Buy created a feed on Twitter called Twelpforce to provide solutions for customers (Dunn, 2010). Those who are having technical problems are able to post it on Twelpforce and a team of Best Buy associates or other Twitter users can post solutions or suggestions. By monitoring the feeds, Best Buyââ¬â¢s management are able to hear unbiased customersââ¬â¢ feedback on their products and assist them in real time. Twelpforce also presents the opportunity for new sales as individual choices are largely influenced and made on the recommendations and advocacy of others (Cunningham, 2012). Electronic word of mouth is especially powerful as the people in an individualââ¬â¢s social network are usually deemed as a trustworthy source of information (Curran, Oââ¬â¢Brien, & Oââ¬â¢Hara, 2011). Through Twitter and other social media platforms, Best Buy demonstrates their commitment to rejuvenate and refine their customer experience, and at the same time, drives value and innovation to create a more positive and connecting world. Building Social Capital Social capital refers to the active connections and network of relationships between people: the trust, mutual understanding and shared values which binds them together and facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit (Cohen & Prusak, 2002). It is the glue that promotes knowledge exchange and innovation hence, an essential strategy for organisations to gain competitive advantage in the markets which they operate. However, the development of social capital does not relegate the importance of investing in human capital in organisations (Cummingham, 2002). Huppi and Seemann (2001) phrased it appropriately that ââ¬Å"human capital resides in the people; social capital resides in the relationships among themâ⬠. Using social media, organisations can connect with each other more readily and establish a network of community and relationships without any geographical boundaries. This is exemplified by Accenture, a global consulting and technology services and outsourcing company with circa 259,000 employees (About Accenture). They have created a Knowledge Exchange that is integrated with thousands of communities of practice which enables geographically and spatially dispersed employees to share ideas and collaborate more effectively. Residing on a Microsoft SharePoint platform, it features a wide social network with ââ¬Å"people profilesâ⬠with biographies, photos and resumes as well as individualââ¬â¢s interests and skill sets. The Exchange also contains blogs, wikis, market insights and e-learning where sharing ideas and knowledge is evident and encouraged. Through The Exchange, company research revealed positively that there was a 42 percent increase in employeesââ¬â¢ engagement and collaboration activities. Top collaborators are recognised with ââ¬Å"celebrating performance pointsâ⬠and rewarded with badges that appear on their people profiles (Zielinski, 2012). Risks of Social Media With the many positive benefits of using social media in organisations, there are inherent risks involved when it is not managed effectively. One risk organisations face on social media platforms is the sharing of information. While it is a good medium for employees to share knowledge and ideas, it could be misused when confidential information and intellectual property are leaked. Most employees are aware of the implications of responding unthinkingly to emails however, the same degree of care and forethought are not always applied to social media sites. Thus, there is a danger that an individual may divulge confidential information mindlessly without realising that it is cast in stone and stored online indefinitely (Everett, 2010). While the decision to post videos, photos, thoughts and experiences on social networking site is entirely personal and ââ¬Å"privateâ⬠, a single act can spark a fire and create far reaching unimaginable consequences for an individual as well as organisations. A passing comment could end up being misinterpreted and a thoughtless prank filmed could easily go viral online affecting the reputation and profits of a company. An infamous example is the Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizza debacle in 2009 whereby two Dominoââ¬â¢s employees posted unappetizing videos on YouTube. The gross act of tampering with food damaged the companyââ¬â¢s reputation severely and cut into nationwide profits. The only saving grace in this debacle is the company CEO, Patrick Doyle who posted another video in response and gave a well-worded apology and took full responsibility. Apart from the risks involving employeeââ¬â¢s improper use of social media, social media presents an opportunity for disgruntled customers and competitors to assail a companyââ¬â¢s reputation and start a public relations crisis. Instead of a traditional complaint email viewed only internally, unhappiness about a particular product or service standards can be viewed by potentially everyone in the world through social media. This is aggravated by the sharing functions on social media sites like Facebook whereby one may share another personââ¬â¢s unpleasant experience with their ocial contacts even though it may not have affected him. ââ¬ËUnited Breaks Guitarsââ¬â¢, a YouTube video created by Dave Carroll in July 2009 is an example of how a customer can use social media to voice his unhappiness. In the song he blamed United Airlines for breaking the neck of his $3,500 guitar, caused by careless baggage handling and unreasonable policies. As the claim did not occur within the standard 24-hour time frame, it was deemed ineligible. 50,000 views were generated just within 1 day and it grew to 8 million by March 2010. It currently has more than 12 million views with popular shows like ââ¬ËThe Checkoutââ¬â¢ on ABC featuring it. Even though United Airlines did finally offered a $3,000 compensation for the damage made to his guitar, the damage done to the reputation and public relations of United Airlines is estimated to have cost them $180,000 within four days of the song been published. Another risk associated with social media is malware and account security. With most of the time spent on social networking sites, it makes their users ideal malware targets. Typical attacks take advantage on the trust relationships between users and their social contacts and try to trick users into giving up sensitive information which can be exploited for financial gain (Everett, 2010). By clicking on links sent by trusted friends, one might be susceptible to malware infection from drive-by downloads which steals information and might give attacker total access and control of the computer. This is especially disastrous for organisation whereby confidential information and trade secrets may be infringed. By not engaging in social media could be a risk in itself for organisations as nowadays most brands and companies are being discussed online. It is essential for an organisation to have a voice in these conversations, monitor and react timely to negative comments. With the risks involved, an organisation should develop a sound corporate policy on the usage of social media and educate employees of the role they play. The IT department needs to regularly update it security protection and firewall to mitigate any malware attacks or unsecure networks. Conclusion Social media presents a wonderful opportunity for organisations to leverage and share knowledge with each other despite geographical boundaries. With effective management, it promotes social capital where trust relationships can be built and creates a platform of engagement and collaboration. Social media platforms enable organisations to listen to the voices of customers and innovate and act upon the ideas given. By doing so, they gain customersââ¬â¢ loyalty and trust which is important to their success. Lastly, social media allows employees and customer to share their problems and receive suggestions and solutions by other users in real time. However, it is imperative to note that not all is good with social media as it can have disastrous impact on a company if it is not managed effectively. Social media does have a powerful amplifying effect. But just like any technology, it can be used for good or evil.
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